A community of predominantly SFH complaining about a shelter and then being critical of the current state of housing policy? You think you'd have heard it all.

Like I have said, close the nursing home and sell it for a nice, 30, 40s set of condos along with inbuilt supportive housing - I am sure the community will be happy - because it is all about housing policy.

@Northern Light -
Very interesting post, lot's of good data here, can you elaborate on this point though ?

Renters of course do not pay property tax, not directly, but of course the landlord owner will incorporate this into the rent !
Looking at the city of Toronto tax rates:

What criteria differentiates Multi-Residential vs New Multi-Residential ? I was trying to look this up.

So you, and some others asked about the property tax rates; which you have now posted a link to.

First, let me bring that forward:


So one can see that if you live in an older apartment your property tax rate is 0.967% vs in a single family home, at 0.506%

So apartment renters (the majority) pay just over 1.9x what a single-family homeowners would pay on comparable property.


What's the difference btwn new and old you ask? So, a few years ago, the City's policy to incent construction of new rental housing lowered the tax rate on any building built after that date.

However it did not lower the rate on older buildings. This was a very straight-forward political choice, because equalizing the two rates would mean a steep tax hike for homeowners, of roughly 45% (and it would have been even more
when this policy was approved).

The City is very slowly lowering the rate on older buildings by freezing that rate, even as SFH homeowners do see modest increases.


Any other questions people have asked that are just too tangential for this thread will get answered, elsewhere, when I have the time.
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As a long time resident of Willowdale and a property owner, I have seen many petitions fighting even standard developments in this neighbourhood. People railing against a block of townhouses and six story condos on Finch are some of the latest. But I always remember a petition from a few years ago that mentioned "preserving our neighbourhood" against "transient renters and other undesirables".
Like I have said, close the nursing home and sell it for a nice, 30, 40s set of condos along with inbuilt supportive housing - I am sure the community will be happy - because it is all about housing policy.
I am fine with that if properly consulted. The only concern I have is, some people here may feel sad again, ,cuz it will cause further delays for the housing to be built.
waste by causing the housing issue to be out of control
…you mean like the government being forced to spend tens of thousands of dollars to store desperately needed supportive homes off-site because a group of whiny, entitled “neighbours” wrongly believe it’s their right to deny safe shelter to other members of the community?
…you mean like the government being forced to spend tens of thousands of dollars to store desperately needed supportive homes off-site because a group of whiny, entitled “neighbours” wrongly believe it’s their right to deny safe shelter to other members of the community?
My god this is all so tedious...
Not to step on the Mods role here......

But perhaps we can get away from just back and forth jabs; if there's something new to bring to the table by way of suggestion, question, idea, etc. great. But this thing is going in a circle now in a way that I don't think anyone can seriously call constructive.
…you mean like the government being forced to spend tens of thousands of dollars to store desperately needed supportive homes off-site because a group of whiny, entitled “neighbours” wrongly believe it’s their right to deny safe shelter to other members of the community?
The City isn't forced to store the Modular Supportive Housing unit in Owen Sound,... the Modular Supportive Housing units are not being stored indoors,... they're being stored outdoors - under tarp. So why did City pay $325.5K shipping to store them outdoors at $71K-$77K/month? Especially when the City has plenty of room to store them outdoor within the City!

"The modular housing unit pictured is currently being stored in Owen Sound - its destination is another municipality."
The City isn't forced to store the Modular Supportive Housing unit in Owen Sound,... the Modular Supportive Housing units are not being stored indoors,... they're being stored outdoors - under tarp. So why did City pay $325.5K shipping to store them outdoors at $71K-$77K/month? Especially when the City has plenty of room to store them outdoor within the City!
Another example of government corruption, bureaucracy and waste?
@sunnyraytoronto and @taikou

Instead of asking the question here; perhaps you could go fetch the answer.

Phone/email the staff and politely ask, assuming you can't find that information in an existing public report.

An allegation of corruption is entirely inappropriate and may get you sued, if you don't have evidence to support that. I would suggest not leveling unsubstantiated allegations.
@sunnyraytoronto and @taikou

Instead of asking the question here; perhaps you could go fetch the answer.

Phone/email the staff and politely ask, assuming you can't find that information in an existing public report.

An allegation of corruption is entirely inappropriate and may get you sued, if you don't have evidence to support that. I would suggest not leveling unsubstantiated allegations.

Well,... City's Housing Czar Abi Bond is more than welcome to sue me!

City's Housing Czar Abi Bond committed Fraud,... the Federal Government's Affordable Rental Housing Innovation Fund Contribution and Loan Agreement (1/3 is 20-year interest-free loan payable in yearly instalments and 2/3 is grant, aka: free money) requires Zoning Approval prior to application for the Modular Supportive Housing Sites,... and when City's Housing Czar Abi Bond applied on June 12, 2020,... there was no Zoning Approval for Modular Supportive Housing at 175 Cummer nor any of the other Phase 1 & 2 Modular Supportive Housing sites proposed by the City of Toronto! The public wasn't even notified of this Modular Supportive Housing proposal at 175 Cummer until Spring 2021 at which time the City requested MZO. As you can see City's Housing Czar Abi Bond and disgraced Mayor John Tory sign the City's application prior to having the required Zoning Approval - this is Fraud!

The evidence is here,... gained through Public Records and Freedom Of Information Act,... https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2022/cc/comm/communicationfile-146256.pdf

This item (Councillor Cheng's motions) are currently up for debate at City Council.





Interesting, after a series of incredibly dumb moves/statements leading up to and during the Mayoral campaign, Cllr. Bradford goes to work on dismantling Cllr. Cheng's motions:




Chen make her case (which we've heard here)

Bradford makes his:







And that's it for the City Hall kick at this, Councillor Cheng strikes out across the board.

175 Cummer will live to see its OLT hearing.

What intrigues here is the votes.

Council's left/right divide not evident here. Mckelvie, Nunziata, Thomson and Bradford all voting with Matlow, Bravo, Moise and Perks.

Meanwhile, Cheng garnered Fletcher's vote as well as Morley and Myers on this last one.....
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