As has been mentioned several times before, the Food Terminal was recognized in 2019 by the Ontario government as being provincially significant, and it cannot now be rezoned.

For now.

When all phases of this development is complete by 2040 then things will move forward to get the Food Terminal re-developed. It will also be another 20 year project.
It is zoned as employment lands, which is not the same as saying it can't be redeveloped.
For now.

When all phases of this development is complete by 2040 then things will move forward to get the Food Terminal re-developed. It will also be another 20 year project.
Extremely unlikely. As there's no rush to bring skyscraping office towers to the area, and there is no indication that there ever will be, there's little chance of redeveloping the Food Terminal with other employment uses. Meanwhile, the political will is directed towards preserving the Food Terminal as is, therefore the provincial designation. Give it up.

Extremely unlikely. As there's no rush to bring skyscraping office towers to the area, and there is no indication that there ever will be, there's little chance of redeveloping the Food Terminal with other employment uses. Meanwhile, the political will is directed towards preserving the Food Terminal as is, therefore the provincial designation. Give it up.

The food terminal can be easily integrated in a new development and can even increase its capacity.

It would be amazing if this new redevelopment is connected to 2150 Lake Shore, but I agree with you. Unless this area is better connected via rapid transit it will not be feasible to build office towers here, as attracting workforce would be challenging, so (for now) things will stay as they are.
It's funny I talked about the same idea about redeveloping the food terminal before on this blog. And interchange 42 said the same thing no chance of development her. But I say never say never. It's possible they could move down the street somewhere in the Mimico industrial area. Or they could bury the light industry below grade and also create a huge wholesale farmer's market. With other commercial venues at grade on the first few levels of the podium. And office hotel and condos towers on top. This project could be developed like The Well on Spadina. Digging a huge hole on the property that will support the industry instead of a mall.
FYI there is a thread for this topic right here:

Last month in the above thread, I suggested that the province consider a land swap with the neighbouring Queensway retail plaza so that a new facility could be built without too much interruption to current operations, while opening up the lands closest to Park Lawn GO for redevelopment. I think this could be the most viable way to achieve something as challenging as redeveloping the food terminal (a land swap would also resolve the employment lands zoning concern).
And that's the last post about the Food Terminal in this thread. Following ones will be deleted. Meanwhile, we have a new front page story up, here.

What would be the point? The food terminal is staying.

This updated proposal is spectacular and really sets a high bar for other major projects, including East Harbour and the Port Lands. Hopefully it doesn't take 20 years to build it out.
This updated proposal is spectacular and really sets a high bar for other major projects, including East Harbour and the Port Lands. Hopefully it doesn't take 20 years to build it out.
It's probably going to take that long.

Construction won't start here until 2025. 6 phases. Let's say 3 year per phase. So looking at a 18-20 year construction timeframe.

Most likely will be finished by 2045.
It's probably going to take that long.

Construction won't start here until 2025. 6 phases. Let's say 3 year per phase. So looking at a 18-20 year construction timeframe.

Most likely will be finished by 2045.
Ugh? since when do you have to finish one phase to start the next one, and why 5 years to get started?
I'm going shave 5-10 yrs. off that and say 15-20 yrs...2035-2040
I guess if the market can absorb the inventory and they can secure the construction resources, why wouldn't they build it faster?
This looks very impressive - as I'd expect from Allies and Morrison!
They're very well regarded over here by planners and developers alike - they've worked on many of the major regeneration projects in the UK (e.g Kings Cross and Olympic Park + legacy) with three big recent projects being the redevelopment of Canada Water, a residential expansion of Canary Wharf and Elephant & Castle.

On that note, their website has interesting and useful information on this project too!

