No issue with the services. But shelter after shelter, after shelter, after shelter is not good for anyone (including the people that need help).

An entirely legitimate point.

Shelters are a necessary evil on a short-term basis. They are aspirin to a heart attack. Helpful and better than nothing, but entirely inadequate.

There needs to be more acute focus on preventing homelessness, and on permanent housing for those in need of same.

Further, shelters need to be better environments, with more on-site supports, allowing clients/residents to stay all day, and providing a hospitable, safe environment such that people prefer the 'help' to sleeping in an alley or a park.

We shouldn't close one shelter bed, until we have better offers in place; but we shouldn't treat shelters as the answer, because they aren't.
Wasn't that bad even then, remember the Montreal Bistro?

Sigh, for a good jazz club.

Yes I remember it. But I also remember the crack dens around the area. And all the parking lots that were pretty sketchy at night. Most of those lots are now gone.
Interesting... The Ford dealership is still open, but the lot last week was full of cars for sale, and it's since been cleared. There's now a back-hoe type of machine parked in the lot. This last went before city council 03/27.
Interesting... The Ford dealership is still open, but the lot last week was full of cars for sale, and it's since been cleared. There's now a back-hoe type of machine parked in the lot. This last went before city council 03/27.
Just came to this page to share this as well. Seems like on Saturday they cleared the entire parking lot of all the cars (which was full) and now they've got an excavator sitting in the middle of the empty site.

And there it goes...
I disagree. This design's a lot more contextual and broken down into manageable parts.
