The excavation on the north side of Richmond next to Downtown Ford is likely for a sales centre. It has been suspended while the old timber drains which were uncovered during excavation are examined. Anything to do with the old Taddle creek which ran along Britain Street towards this site?
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The preserved facades along Queen are fine, and so are the more contemporary parts of the podium which are meant to blend w/them.

The modern portion of lower level facade feels too flat and one dimensional to me and loses all relationship to the nicer, human-scaled retail to the south.

I think they would do better to extend treatment from Queen further north.

The actual tower is ok, but too pedestrian, and needs some ooomph. A deeper colour palate on at least one section to highlight the already present contrasts in style.
I see that Time & Space has met the Borg Cube.


Is the area north and east of St. Lawrence going to be defined by these megapodium buildings?

It's not quite the mid-rises that define St. Lawrence, nor the tower-and-podium towers elsewhere in the city- but instead it's some strange sort of monstrosity that's in between the two.

Definitely something that's probably a product of existing zoning codes being pushed beyond the limits by developers.
There's not one good thing to speak of regarding the trash we're witnessing in that photo. Both the developer and architect should be embarrassed for themselves.

Simply put; it's just a hideous, hulking mass with zero refinement.
I see that Time & Space has met the Borg Cube.


Good analogy. I don't dislike this as much as Time and Space.

It's very flawed.

But, maybe I'm being too charitable here, I can sort of see (or imagine I see) an attempt to emulate the old warehouses (think Sears Warehouse on Mutual).

I don't think the execution is right or even all that close. It's clunky.

But I don't completely hate it.........just dislike it.

Time and Space was more worthy of full on disapprobation.
Yikes. This is bad. Also how deep are those floorplates? Bet the unit plans in this thing would be bruuuutal.
You know, this could have been avoided if the City was actually proactive in planning the east end.

But they want the developers to push the envelop themselves so that they can get that Section 37 money. Curious how the dynamic may change with the provincial changes to S.37.
