This project is beyond repulsive. Only a pathologically demented pervert could conceive something this awful.
I feel the same over this and all previous designs. Hopefully, it won't be built.
It's not my cup of tea. That said it's bizarre how people detest the massing of this proposal yet fawn over buildings in Europe with proportions not that far removed from this. This is a little taller than what one sees in Europe and it staggers taller towards one end. Beyond that the proportions are quite similar; you'd likely not notice they're different at all walking by it.

On another note, people have an obsession with point towers to the exclusion of anything else. Practically anything will become monotonous and boring if it's done to death. I don't mind seeing a hulking mass here and there just to break up the monotony of it all. Now if only the architecture was nicer ....but isn't it always that way?
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Not quite as bulky when looked at in context:

That rendering is your own production.

Design is everything. The rest I don't understand. 420 feet is not a little taller than your typically European block. It's a lot taller. Even a moderate height difference changes the proportions of the building's mass.
That rendering is your own production.

Design is everything. The rest I don't understand. 420 feet is not a little taller than your typically European block. It's a lot taller. Even a moderate height difference changes the proportions of the building's mass.

Koops massing is way off in scale. He has it covering the entire site, this is only the first phase in the development and covers only about a third of the site.

This is also not 430 feet tall, that is the height of the tallest building in the development. This is a little over 300ft.
My mistake. Thanks for pointing that out. It's still far above the European context and the design attempts to break up the massing are ad hoc
I'll make it more narrow, but I already had the height pegged at 24-25 floors, just like the render, so an estimated 80 metres just to be generous.
Feel like St. Lawrence Market area has already gone past the point of no return. Just so much bad architecture both new and old. Time and Space Condos is a steaming pile of poop. This at least looks better than that. :p
It's not my cup of tea. That said it's bizarre how people detest the massing of this proposal yet fawn over buildings in Europe with proportions not that far removed from this.

Let's be very clear - the Western European buildings that people fawn over don't have floorplates anywhere this deep. This building is thicc.

It's misleading / a bit of a strawman to suggest that this is acceptable or desirable because people fawn over similar buildings from Europe - they don't.
