Do you know how dictatorships operate? They basically make everything illegal, and then selectively enforce the laws. If you are a "good citizen" and don't make waves, the government will leave you alone (usually). But if you start to make trouble, they will come down on you like a ton of bricks and charge you with a wide range of "crimes" that are on the books, but which are usually not enforced.
I see much the same dynamic in the City's planning reports. There are a huge number of regulations that are on the books, that every development is supposed to follow. Many of them are arbitrary and subjective, it's up to the City planner to determine if the plan is being followed or not. Of course the developer can usually get away with most infringement by handing over a big pile-o-cash for "civic improvements" in the neighbourhood, in exchange for leniency on whatever regulations the City claims that they are breaking. In this case, I suspect that the developer's cash payment was not big enough for the planning department, so they are recommending rejection (which just means that it will be taken to the OMB, who will almost certainly find in favour of the developer).
LOL... What, you think everything is 'perfectly legitimate' in the planning process, and no Monkey Business
These assertions are absurd. Even if you don't like the results, Toronto's planning process is quite transparent.
Just what sort of 'under-the-table' shenanigans are you two implying exist? S. 37 benefits are quantified in the provincial Planning Act and are not just some arbitrary number decided on a project by project basis. Suggesting otherwise only discredits yourself.