any more word on this ? Just curious as I live in the king charlotte building on the 30th floor....don't want it there to be honest till I sell hahaha

Anything further for the MEC building as well? (hope not lol)
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Of all of Allied's plans for new buildings, this one is down the priority list quite a bit.

Agree with I42 - not one of Allied's top priority projects at this point. To give a little more perspective, and a little more insight into the timeframe of your interest, coming prior to the 388 King Street project would most likely be:
  • 485 King Street West (Now Underway)
  • 180 John Street (Now Underway)
  • QRC West - Phase 2
  • 620 King Street West (Joint venture project with RioCan)
  • 489 - 539 King Street West (Joint Venture with Westbank)
  • 19 Duncan Street (Joint Venture with Westbank
  • The Well (Joint Venture with RioCan and Diamond Corp)
Given the above initiatives, unless a large tenant emerges out of the blue desiring that specific location, the 388 King Street West project may not be likely to proceed within the next five years or so - it is more likely in a seven to ten year timeframe - and possibly even later. No inside knowledge here - just looking at what is known to be in the Allied development pipeline versus the overall pace of commercial office space development in the downtown west area.
any more word on this ? Just curious as I live in the king charlotte building on the 30th floor....don't want it there to be honest till I sell hahaha

Anything further for the MEC building as well? (hope not lol)

The MEC building was sold to a local developer at the end of 2015.
Nah, that's a pretty terrible idea as it would ensure a large ground floor plate with an equally large single retail tenant. It's far better for the cadence of the street to keep everything as broken up as possible. As it stands, it's already going to be difficult for *unnamed developer* to resist renting the whole existing MEC floorplate out as a single unit anyways.
He explained exactly what's wrong with that in the second half of the post that you removed from the quote.

it's already going to be difficult for *unnamed developer* to resist renting the whole existing MEC floorplate out as a single unit anyways.

Yeah, but then again i still don't agree that you cant find a tenant for 42.000 sq. ft. of prime retail space ,
Yeah, but then again i still don't agree that you cant find a tenant for 42.000 sq. ft. of prime retail space ,

Automation, finding "a tenant" is precisely the problem I have with a single, massive floorplate. It might help to read the posts you're going to take issue with before responding.
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AG, what PE is saying is that a massive development here would further destroy what's good about King Street, and that is the regular rhythm of shops (which still exists to a good degree on the south side here). Wide single store frontages do little for a street except to kill its character. If we have to have big box stores in places like this, they should be on second storeys, or in basements, with only a narrow entranceway with escalator access, flanked by repeating storefronts on either side. We've had so little of that in Toronto up to now, it's something that Planning should be insisting on, but typically isn't yet.

Christ Automation, finding "a tenant" is precisely the problem I have with a single, massive floorplate. It might help to read the posts you're going to take issue with before opening your mouth.
Blasphemy aside. No one is talking here, but rather typing.
So since its been purchased closer to the end of 2015, we wont likely see a development proposal up anytime soon I'm guessing.

I could very well be wrong however and wouldn't be surprised if I am considering this citys developments.

Regardless I agree with projectend's sentiments and furthermore in my 0pinion, creating another building similar to Charlie, King Charlotte, King Blue, M5V and Bischa would really congest the area and more so hack into the equity value of king charlottes south facing units...m5v's and the proposed tower's (if it is in fact) north facing units, Charlie's east view as well and so on and so forth.

I cant many people wanting to buy a north facing unit in a proposal similar to King charlotte considering the very small distance away from each other. It would be like another 8 charlotte's south facing and Charlie's north facing units. Those are probably hard sells...

I could see cutting the 42000 sqft up and maybe quadrupling that with a few more stories on top to build some form or fashion of retail space that area desperately needs like a whole foods or sweet loblaws...or a dirt bike fine not that but who doesn't want to dirt bike before hittin dem clubs across the street?
So since its been purchased closer to the end of 2015, we wont likely see a development proposal up anytime soon I'm guessing.

I could very well be wrong however and wouldn't be surprised if I am considering this citys developments.

Regardless I agree with projectend's sentiments and furthermore in my 0pinion, creating another building similar to Charlie, King Charlotte, King Blue, M5V and Bischa would really congest the area and more so hack into the equity value of king charlottes south facing units...m5v's and the proposed tower's (if it is in fact) north facing units, Charlie's east view as well and so on and so forth.

I cant many people wanting to buy a north facing unit in a proposal similar to King charlotte considering the very small distance away from each other. It would be like another 8 charlotte's south facing and Charlie's north facing units. Those are probably hard sells...

I could see cutting the 42000 sqft up and maybe quadrupling that with a few more stories on top to build some form or fashion of retail space that area desperately needs like a whole foods or sweet loblaws...or a dirt bike fine not that but who doesn't want to dirt bike before hittin dem clubs across the street?

Mods - this post has nothing to do with 388 King Street West, which has been owned by Allied since 2003. Perhaps a new thread could be created for the Mountain Equipment site at 400 King Street West, and the appropriate posts, including the one above, moved to it
