nice pics Martin! the 2nd pic especially makes the balconies look really interesting............
I must admit I was dreading this building when I first saw the renders but it turned really, really well. Great fit and finish. Reasonably contextual. Nicely proportioned. Good use of precast on the tower. Rooftop mechanicals resolved well. I'm still on the fence about the podium and I'm not crazy about the 'loft' building but, overall, I think this project puts Verve and (so far) James Cooper Mansion to shame. Thanks for the pics, Martin.
May 10 - Views from the 19th floor (West and Northwest)




I must admit I was dreading this building when I first saw the renders but it turned really, really well. Great fit and finish. Reasonably contextual. Nicely proportioned. Good use of precast on the tower. Rooftop mechanicals resolved well. I'm still on the fence about the podium and I'm not crazy about the 'loft' building but, overall, I think this project puts Verve and (so far) James Cooper Mansion to shame. Thanks for the pics, Martin.

As an owner, I pretty much resigned myself to the fact this building would be pretty damn ugly, and possibly cheap with the finishings. So far, I've been blown away. Tridel has such a glowing reputation, so you can imagine my surprise when I started to realize that this building looks better, and is finished better than the Verve. And I've spent a lot of time in the Verve, which is basically a collection of sub-quality suites with very nice common spaces and amenities. 500 Sherbourne seems to be the opposite, which is fine by me.

Keep in mind that pre-construction, it was cheaper than all the competitors in the area.
The workmanship is really good.... Some buildings you look around and say "ok, they cut costs and here". I don't do that with 500. Pleasant surprise indeed.
I am also impressed by the Times Group's very good workmanship. In addition, the builder added things that had not been advertised: high-quality window coverings on all windows, many extra cable and phone outlets, granite window sills, and Fisher&Paykel/ Whirlpool appliances.

You can see photos of one of the finished units here.
Any reason why they keep deleting the comments and the photos??????
I didn't think there were any rules being broken nor did I think there was CENSORSHIP on UT???????
Any reason why they keep deleting the comments and the photos??????
I didn't think there were any rules being broken nor did I think there was CENSORSHIP on UT???????

I've noticed that with other interior shots on other projects...they've been removed. Why?
Not removed, but moved, to the Real Estate subforum. There is an active 500 Sherbourne thread there for discussion regarding units in the building. JayBee - 641 posts in, I thought you would have known that...

I think images of common areas, like lobbies, grounds, etc. should be kept here while pics of individual units should be in the real estate section. Just my two cents.
I think images of common areas, like lobbies, grounds, etc. should be kept here while pics of individual units should be in the real estate section. Just my two cents.

I agree with your logic condovo
