Thanks Martin for the pictures. I've been sooo lazy lately with pictures. Gotta start bringing camera with me when I walk around the building.

A quick question... When do you think it's a good time to start negotiating mortgage? I heard the developer is really trying to complete the project by end of September & get registration started. How long will it all take & when will we be expected to start mortgage?
great view Martin.... this is mine!

Southwest view.


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I do miss those high-rise views. TA, you will have a nice view of 1 BE going up! As well as U, X2, Couture, Five, The Four Seasons... nice spot to be a high-rise fan.
They cleaned up the corner of the park closest to the building and planted one last tree. They need to fix one light post that has been on the ground forever.
Hopefully they will put some path for people to go through otherwise the hedge will suffer in areas like it is now.
Does anyone know what they are planning to do in the space between Art Wall and Wellesley Center? They removed the fencing that was there.
The roof patio is almost completed. The cabanas and furniture are in, lounge chairs etc. Can't see bbq's from where I am.
Will post pictures later. It looks pretty nice. Maybe we'll be able to use this summer after all.
Anyone bought in the loft building?

Bought in April and move-in date is set for October 4th.

Any word on when the building will actually register. I heard that they've already sent in the application and its' at first stage ... whatever the means.

As of this weekend they had the cabinets and tiled floored areas completed. I'd post some pics, but not sure how to do that one here.

Can't wait to move in!!

Anyone bought in the loft building?

Bought in April and move-in date is set for October 4th.

Any word on when the building will actually register. I heard that they've already sent in the application and its' at first stage ... whatever the means.

As of this weekend they had the cabinets and tiled floored areas completed. I'd post some pics, but not sure how to do that one here.

Can't wait to move in!!


go to upload your photographs and copy and insert to REPLY TO THREAD just in the picture icon.
North west corner 'yard'

Anyone know what is going on with the west side yards facing Homewood? What's with all the sand? Is there some sort of desert theme going on here?
