This has bombed pretty drastically. It's pretty grim. Unfortunate.
87 Peter looks like the condo equivalent of a Chevy Malibu, solid but not very exciting transportation for not particularly enthusiastic drivers. On a board full of gearheads, you might find someone who scorns a Malibu, and anybody who drives one, because it isn't a 12 cylinder, mid engined, 550 hp two seater Ferrari. Other posters on the hypothetical board might actually recognize, however, that:
A). It's what many people can afford
B). It's what some people want and
C). It's not, in fact, a used Yugo or something drastically bad like that.
There is room in the city and, yes in the Entertainment District, for solidly built, reasonably attractive accommodation. So far, that is what 87 Peter looks like to me. It should be judged on that basis.