One critical comment? These kind of comments happen in every thread involving Mississauga on a regular basis. They're tiring and annoying.
You're being very immature by your reactions if you ask me. "Suburban paradise" ? Please. You muse be so urban it hurts.

Also, this the wrong place for discussing how urban Mississauga City Centre is, it's a thread to discuss the construction of Absolute World.
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I haven't been to MCC for a few years but I've seen enough pics on here to see it hasn't changed much. Yes, you do have a few taller towers but do they help to animate the street? How many of those new towers have retail in their podiums, or libraries, or cinemas or something for public use? Tall buildings, in themselves, do not create interesting, lively streets. What's happening in MCC on the street level?

I'd rather die than live in MCC but, perhaps you should judge it on a bunch of skyline pictures. Retail and live work is happening at street level for the most part including "open 24 hours". I believe MCC is home to a central library and a multiplex. The area was pretty much farmers' fields back when they still built "cinemas"
Yeah, and all it took was one critical comment about Mississauga, and the suburbanites jump to their feet to defend their suburban paradise. I grew up in North York and I thought it sucked when I lived there but NYCC is much more walkable than MCC will probably ever be. (though it is a shame how it turned out, it could have been so much better) I'm glad to hear things are changing but I just wonder, how much change will occur in a place where people moved, to to escape urban living. If it's a city in love with their cars, how much urbanity can we expect?

I haven't been to MCC for a few years but I've seen enough pics on here to see it hasn't changed much. Yes, you do have a few taller towers but do they help to animate the street? How many of those new towers have retail in their podiums, or libraries, or cinemas or something for public use? Tall buildings, in themselves, do not create interesting, lively streets. What's happening in MCC on the street level?

Every tower that is built without retail or a public use, is one more missed opportunity and it prevents MCC from becoming more urban and interesting to explore. How many more towers in the park can you put up before you say hey, is this the way to build a downtown? Put those towers along a sidewalk, get some major retail and a few outdoor patios and let's see some progress. If there already are streets in MCC lined with stores and restaurants, post the pics and let's see it. Show me what I'm missing. After all this talk for years, about MCC developing a real downtown, is there even one major store in downtown Mississauga, that's on a downtown street? (and not in a mall)

I just think it would be a shame to build such cool buildings and let them sit in a suburban setting. These towers should be in a major tourist/pedestrian area, where they could add to the vibrancy. Mississauga needs to get serious or just forget about it. I hear lots of talk but see little action. (again, by pics I've seen on here) Taller towers don't equal livelier streets, if everybody's trapped in cars.

Yup. Suburban paradise is right. You wish you could live in Lorne Park, Mississauga Road, Mineola West or Meadow Wood Road, drive multiple luxury vehicles and boast of a 6 figure salary.

Jealousy. Tisk, tisk.
Yup. Suburban paradise is right. You wish you could live in Lorne Park, Mississauga Road, Mineola West or Meadow Wood Road, drive multiple luxury vehicles and boast of a 6 figure salary.

Jealousy. Tisk, tisk.

Oh I miss Mineola West. Although to be fair my parents certainly didn't make 6 figures. The area has changed a lot since I lived there.
This overwrought Mississauga-judging is getting silly. Look; if they want to invest in a Marilyn, let'em. And re the bold claims of a step t/w "urban enlightenment" or whatever, we open-ended urbanists already know enough to take'em with a grain of salt. Let Mississauga do the best it can; but even Mississaugans know it'd take an impossible amount of elbow grease and impractical fantasyland-creation to enact old-school urbanism and fabric-creation in MCC, at least within the next decade. But as a Torontonian visiting Mississauga, I'm beyond simplistic sneering these days...
Realistically, I don't think those of us who live in Toronto have much to sneer about today and in the long run. While I am not a huge fan of the "drivers paradise" we call Mississauga, much of what is wrong, ill-conceived, or un-citylike, is also very much a part of what makes up the City of Toronto. For that matter, the entire GTA is a mess, but that is not the point.

Toronto, like Mississauga also suffers from a plenitude of inequalities, shortcomings and downright bad planning, and there seems to be no end in sight, but one good step every once-in-a-while is, well, I guess worthwhile and needed.

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I just think it would be a shame to build such cool buildings and let them sit in a suburban setting. These towers should be in a major tourist/pedestrian area, where they could add to the vibrancy. Mississauga needs to get serious or just forget about it. I hear lots of talk but see little action. (again, by pics I've seen on here) Taller towers don't equal livelier streets, if everybody's trapped in cars.

Forget the urban context -- if this project looked like another commie block there wouldn't be any talk of "what a shame" or "he don't love you like I could, baby." What's next, "if I can't have you, no one can?" :p
lol, if you think the GTA may be a mess but you clearly need to go to New Jersey...
lol, if you think the GTA may be a mess but you clearly need to go to New Jersey...

You can't deny that Greater Toronto is sprawly. It might not be the worst sprawl in North America, but it's definitely sprawled more than European cities of comparable size. I can't speak for other parts of Toronto, but Mississauga has tons of potential for infill.
Absoluteworld #1 today, at about 17 storeys, pic by Jasonzed at SSC....

of course the GTA is sprawly but they say the entrance to hell is in New Jersey.

They are right...
When the buildings are compete, they'll actually extend past that top of that current photo ~
Thanks for the diagram. I was trying to visualize it myself and was wayyyy off.
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