Yes... I said that... that's what oblate means, but thanks for reiterating.
Sorry - I confess I didn't really read through your entire post. My reply was more of a setup for the pictures I was including than any sort of intentional reiteration.
Nov 9 visit






VDub and khristopher: I think it's great that you live so near by and get to watch these two grow from up close. In addition, it will probably be more interesting to live near by and look at these towers all the time than to live in them and look out from them . . .
Those first two photos are the best view I've seen so far of the twist.

I'd vote for photos two and three above: the former of those clearly shows the tower quite wide at it's base and tapering in as it rises, while the latter shows the building widening as it goes up. Anyone who did not know that the building was actually twisting as it rises would swear those photos were of two different buildings!

That pair of photos would be great for The Star's Home section.

at certain angles this building is starting to look pretty by Jasonzed at SSC...



It's actually just an illusion that it looks like it's leaning. It's really quite interesting, how this building looks different from every angle.
I'm surprised the balcony glass hasn't started going up yet. Must be coming anytime now.
This pair would look great beside Ice 1&2--instead of that Conservatory Co crap we're getting. Or perhaps a nice counter point to Palace Pier at HBS.

I agree , the Conservatory Co architecture is a missed opportunity. What a dismal shame that an iconic building won't be built in this precinct. Ditto for the Concord Adex nightmare around Spadina. A lot of people are musing about the nascent " Toronto style ", and I lament as to the " style " these kinds of projects refer to.
