How could anyone not be impressed by these buildings. I'm so damn jealous (but happy for Mississauga!).

I can think of a few parking lots in Toronto where one or two taller versions of these babes would be perfect. Cityzen?

These " babes " look they could have kids some day.
If these buildings weren't built on the lower part of the City Centre, they would appear much taller in the skyline shots.
In hindsight, I think that's one of the major flaws about Mississauga. It was fine to put Square One where it is and even build up some density around it, but I think the flatter area north of the 403 - bounded by Hurontario,Mavis and Eglinton (and touch beyond) would have made far more sense in terms of building a business core.

It's possible these condos would still end up where they are, but imagine the 30 or 40 blocks that could have been sliced up north of the 403 to really build a 'center' on. Buildings would gain 50-75 feet of elevation and be seen from that much further away.

I agree about the height of #4... it feels like they shoudl keep going and do at least another 10 floors. I guess with the mechanical penthouse, the building will top out right about the height of where the crane is now.
Tower 4 moving up a level...

How could anyone not be impressed by these buildings. I'm so damn jealous (but happy for Mississauga!).

I'm proud that we're getting great architecture all around our region. Of course, downtown needs some groundbreaking new tall high-rise architecture. Cityzen is building L-Tower, but we need at least a couple more outstanding towers for downtown.
When oh when will we start getting some balcony glass? The tower is nearly topped-out and still no balcony glass to be found. Does anyone know if there was a technical reason for this? I don't recall seeing it happen so late in the development phase on any other condos.
Looks like a couple of sample piece of balcony glass at the bottom of that photo khris... or are those the same 2 they previously had covered with the tarp?
That's what I don't know. However, you can see the framing for the glass has gone up quite a few floors. I'm going to Mississauga this weekend, so I'll take some pics if the weather cooperates. I believe this is the same samples I took photos of back in March. Maybe this is what they've decided to stick with?
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Does anyone have any interest in sending a letter to cityzen as one forum member indicated on behalf of UT commending Cityzen on their bold choice for Yansong Ma and suggesting putting up towers with such creativity and sculptural beauty in the heart of downtown Toronto. I would be happy to take a stab at such a letter and pass it around for input. Anyone in?

Does anyone have any interest in sending a letter to cityzen as one forum member indicated on behalf of UT commending Cityzen on their bold choice for Yansong Ma and suggesting putting up towers with such creativity and sculptural beauty in the heart of downtown Toronto. I would be happy to take a stab at such a letter and pass it around for input. Anyone in?


i can see this building from my condo in etobicoke by the doesn't look to me like its going up anymore... are they topped off? or is it just my eye not picking it up =p
I just said a few posts up, that there are 2 floors to go. It just started getting raised again yesterday.
