Reply to Solorunner

Hi Solorunner,
While I agree with most of your comments, I am finding part about “New Canadians†rather offensive.
I am one of those “New Ones†and I am too appalled by lack of heritage building preservation in this country and in Toronto in particular.
However, as you pointed as well, Ms Jane Pitffield was at position of power and decision making at that time. She does not look to me as “New Canadianâ€.
Problem with Toronto is that money talks and if you do have enough of it, you can have your way regardless of the bylaws (which can be changed on the spot), regardless of the heritage designation (that one can be changed as well).
One more thing:
How on earth you think that any “New Canadian†can have more power and political leverage than “Old Boys Club�

How on earth you think that any “New Canadian†can have more power and political leverage than “Old Boys Club�

I get the feeling that the general theme of his response will be "political correctness run amok", or something to that effect. It seems to me that this scapegoat is starting to become a tad bit overused.
In theory, the overriding "political correctness" issue here is on behalf of "world class". More abstract than either New or Old Canadians...
In reviewing photos on various websites of the Bata demolition, I have realized that there wasn't a shred of insulation in the entire building. It was no doubt an energy hog. Not a good thing in this era of global warming.
On the bright side, the Parkin building is making way for something that looks very promising by a very promising architect.

Unfortunately, the Toronto architectural tradition continues. This is where you replace good buildings with good buildings, but crap with crap as well.
In reviewing photos on various websites of the Bata demolition, I have realized that there wasn't a shred of insulation in the entire building. It was no doubt an energy hog. Not a good thing in this era of global warming.

That surprises me. The building wasn't that old. I wouldn't have been surprised, however, if it had been asbestos...
I don't think this has been mentioned, according to this, Toronto City Council voted a resounding 36-1 against granting Bata special heritage designation.
Which, to some extent, was less a negative judgment on Parkin/Bata than it was a positive judgment on Maki/Correa/Aga Khan. (If the proposed replacement were an Inn On The Park-style car dealership, the vote might have gone the other way or at least been less lopsided.)
