It's funny how a general planning study with some "details thrown in" produced far better architecture than the actual design from the legitimate architect.

In a funny way, this goes back to the whole question of why aA does what many consider to be superior work. Planning firms are not required to detail buildings beyond a certain point (sometimes not at all) so they provide a basic form with an inoffensive cladding (brick or something equally innocuous). What I (and seemingly others) find problematic is when architects try to Design something with a capital-D as opposed to allowing the dimensions and unique restrictions of a given site to inform the expression.

The massing placeholders in the Avenues and Mid-Rise Study are another example of this.
I attended the Sept. 12th WT DRP meeting, and was totally unimpressed by the architect’s latest design, which really dumbs down the original glass atrium winter garden concept. The current iteration is a major disappointment, to say the least. The plain glass cube atop the podium at the water’s edge also struck me as a bit over simplistic and juvenile, like something I would have slapped together at the last minute for my assignment due on the second day of architectural school (after being out drinking half the night). I also have to wonder about the practicality of the extra tall floor to ceiling windows in the glass cube, particularly for the south and west facing units. I know from experience how brutal and intense the sun can be in the afternoon with such an exposure. Having to keep you blinds drawn from mid afternoon until after sunset kind of defeats the purpose...

Aerial views of the Hines/Tridel Bayside site, taken April 3, 2013:



Closeup on the sales office under construction:

It's pretty simple actually. The building in the first image was generated as part of the wider precinct planning study and simply shows the desired massing along the park's edge with a few 'details' thrown in. The second is how the architects (Arquitectonica, IIRC) have interpreted and realized that form. The winter garden is still in there, though it's lost its glass roof and has essentially been relegated to an enclosed, mid-block passage.

I'm not defending the building in any way (I'd prefer something like Atlantis or Imperial), but simply explaining how things came to be.

You are correct that the early rendering (which Filip so kindly described as a "wonderful, warm design") was from a precinct planning study- the master plan. But, the conceptual building design was a bit more than a massing placeholder. Cesar Pelli had a keen interest in the design of the parkside landmark of this new development and was himself victim of a bait and switch. Originally hired to develop the master plan in collaboration with EEK, PCPA was told that the showcase residential building- as well as the offices- would be theirs to design. Thus, special attention was given to the layout, massing, winter garden in the conceptual phase.

Now, it seems that the world-renown architect will only be designing the stumpy office buildings along QQ. I suppose the original/preliminary concept didn't pack as many sardines as possible into the tin.
I can't believe they are starting off this development with such a bland, boring box. So far, I don't see anything interesting or appealing about this building. I really expected something much better, to kick-start the east waterfront. Monde, is so much better than this one.
I like the name. It's almost as if it's close to water or something ;) Hoping that sales here will generate renewed interest in Monde, too. I would hate if THAT were canceled. Tridel certainly knows how to market it will be interesting to see this one launch. We need people to live here. At some point. This decade would be nice :cool:
Really not feeling the design here, appears rather dull. Reminds me awful buildings you would find in Miami Beach or Dubai. Being a critical introductory building for the East Bayfront, it would have benefited with warmer materials such red brick or playful colour paneling.
I hope this gets cancelled due to a tanking condo market.

This is absolutely not the way to kickstart the revitilization of the East Bayfronts.
Just found this video on Youtube - uploaded today by CondoRoyaltyTV


However this newly uploaded video doesn't look the same as the promo thumbnail on Tridel's website, seen below:

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That's the original massing study with good architecture.

The new plan is pure garbage. I can't believe WT's DRP let's this kind of garbage slide.
What's wrong with having a smaller building that comes right to the water? We dont' want to create a tower wall here right along the lake a la QQ & Bay
