cheers to the start of the construction process! i walk by each day to work, and it's great to see some activity in that parking lot. does anyone have pics that they can post?
On the walk home today

Photo of the year ! Great job in capturing the beast hiding behind the curtains.
ZOMG! thanks for the shot Geekaroo!
Seeing the crane behind the green curtain got me all giddy now.
OMG!!!!!!!!... what a shock!!!>. the whole site has changed!!!!!

Excellent update for us!

Thanks you sooo much!>.. you made my day :D
Although it is exciting to see activity at this site after so many years, aren't we all getting ahead of ourselves? That crane is certainly there to remove the large billboard structure and not for tower building. After all, wouldn't they have to excavate a hole first?

My apologies for being such a buzz-kill.

Although it is exciting to see activity at this site after so many years, aren't we all getting ahead of ourselves? That crane is certainly there to remove the large billboard structure and not for tower building. After all, wouldn't they have to excavate a hole first?

My apologies for being such a buzz-kill.


i'm just happy to see the parking lot shut down and bordered up. the crane (whatever it's used for), is just a bonus
That crane is certainly there to remove the large billboard structure and not for tower building. After all, wouldn't they have to excavate a hole first?

A small portable crane afixed to the back of a truck can handle those billboards. That tracked beast can only be for pounding or drilling piles for the shoring.
I had a dream that the hoarding went up then walked by today to go see a movie and there it was. No joke. I think I need time away from UT!
wow, you really live up to your username :D don't worry, i'm starting to do the same too ever since i joined, lol.
I knew the crane isn't a real "construction" crane but i'm really excited as it signifies the start of at least somethin!!! One step at a time!.. and its definitely happening :)

I agree, it should also shut up a lot of doom and gloomers that thought this project would never fly.:)

I am willing to confess, regardless of the loss of face, that I was, and I still am, a doom and gloomer.

According to the purchase agreement, Canderel had till September 2011 to decide to start the construction of the project. Further, the project will be considered to have started only when it reaches 1 level above grade.

I have heard of quite a few of disappointed souls whose projects were cancelled only to be revived a few months later with higher selling prices. I did not wish that to happen to me.
I'm looking at the site from my window at the Liberties. I can confirm that all lights are out with the exception of the one over the pay booth, which is strange. The crane looks to be over half the length of the lot (north-south). Two trailers are set up on the western portion of the site (smaller parking lot) and the fencing around the site goes all the way down the ramp to College Park.

The notice in our elevators states that work will be contained within the property for the first 3 to 4 months, after which we are to expect sidewalk and lane closures and other construction-related disruptions.

I've been looking out my window for years waiting for this project to get off the ground. Finally, it seems, it is happening.
