To me, Aura is turning into one those "looks good from far but far from good"!
I hate the varying floor heights through the midsection - why is that?
I think if the tower shape was all like the upper portion, it would make for a far more interesting building.

If you go to Wikipedia and search tallest residential buildings u/c in the world, Aura looks like complete crap compared to the others.
They built a new floor last week, and a floor the week before that. Not stalled at all.

Allegedly, a picket line for the elevator union strike was formed outside Aura today that halted work. To add insult to injury, the tilers are on strike as well! I believe that it is not a matter of 'if', but 'when' and how long the delay for occupancy will be. Which trade is next?
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5 June 2013:

My apologies lucci. Keep up the excellent work. Again, an amazing shot.

No worries! :)

jaw dropping!... I know this was captured with a fisheye lens, but even still, it blows my mind how high up that lower setback looks. What more of the views up in the penthouse! Also, it's gonna be a sweet view looking up from that terrace at the rest of the tower above you considering how large it is.

Thanks! We'll have another look when it gets higher.

lost operator by ronnie.yip, on Flickr
Damn lucci, your pics are amazing.
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Not a lot to document since last update, but the setback does look nice and pronounced.
With the setback/transfer slab at the top, it almost looks like the building is topped off. Not hard to imagine what an eyesore this would be if the design and height stopped as is lol






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The uneven floor heights are incredibly distracting; even looking at the building from the East Bayfront on Doors Open, they were visually obvious to the naked eye

On the north elevation, the pattern of horizontal silver bands running along the edge of the slab every 5 floors has been broken and for some odd reason, they repeat every single floor towards the top. It's another puzzling decision by these architects, should it be final. You can see this in steveve's pictures above or in person.
This building may be ugly, it may be cheap-looking. It may be poorly constructed and meet the street like a Borg cube descended from hell. It may suffer from crappy big box retail at podium level and an incredibly embarrassing basement area. But let us never forget: when it's finished, THIS WILL BE THE WORLD'S 190th (or so) TALLEST BUILDING!!

Bravo Aura! World's 190th (or so) tallest POS Landmark!!
