Aura, yesterday morning.

generally I like this tower, but what really kills it for me up close/ street level are the weird balconies on the lower floors, obviously this has to do with the units and floor heights. I just wished they had resolved that better. It really adds to the sky line though. I love how you can see it from so many different perspectives throughout the city. Thankfully the most visible part of the tower looks good. IMO
looks better from far! :p

Yes and that is the view and impression that the vast majority of people in this city will have of it.
Except of course for those who've decided to burn a mental image of every little imperfection of the building in their memories, forever. Why do that to yourself? Life is way too short to be traumatized by the window wall on building lol.

Hard to see, but that was the plan there. Two arches as an entry from Yonge. Not sure if that's still happening.

That's what I recall too.
Ivory and the Coca Cola HQs are particularly eye-catching in that shot.

