very sorry for anyone who died or injured in the shooting! :(
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This project right now is hovering in the substantially complete phase, but It won't really be fully "done" until the park reconstruction is finished.
Just received word from a real estate lawyer that the lower corporation (floors 5-58) will be registering starting Feb 18th through March 4th. Things should start hopefully really coming together now.
Time-lapse of Aura's construction (2011-2014):

Top work steveve
There are a few more retailers opening at the base of Aura on the north side, facing towards College Park. One of them is this coffee shop called Zavida:

Not sure what the others will be but I'm hoping there will be some patio space available during the warmer weather periods to bring a bit of a European sidewalk flavour to the space there. I imagine it would be pleasant to sit on a patio there, as it wouldn't be directly on noisy Yonge Street.

The Yonge Street temporary residential entrance that was being used for some time will be home to one of the retail spaces, and the others will be a bit more on the western side of the north face.

Courtesy of /u/quickieTO @reddit
