Regarding the hoarding:

Its probably really important for it to be there now. Last year, when walking to work, I can recall at least 4 times when large chunks of ice would fall off of trump or scotia and land on the metal roof of the hoarding. The sound is really loud.... sounds like a bomb and really freaks out anyone in the area.
Oct 25
When I saw this steel frame being put together a few weeks ago, I thought it was for the roof on Yonge St for mechanical use, but its for the base of the tower crane.

In Europe last year, I saw various types of steel bases being used to support the tower cranes and have not seen one in NA until this one.

The amount of 3" thick steel plates on top of the steel frame is huge to act as counterweight to hold the tower base down. Not sure if this tower will be anchor to the building like the L Tower as well having the reach to the west side of the elevator shaft, but time will tell.

The crane is new and looks like the first of this type to be use in Toronto.






On the other hand, we're about to get a fantastically framed view of Scotia Plaza from Arnell Square. You already start to get a feeling for it if you stand across the street.
Massive crane base being constructed at the west side of the core. This one will be a reinforced concrete block sitting above ground as opposed to the other steel base for the first crane. Confirmed with workers on site that the base is indeed for a second crane. It is not visible on the webcam.
