June 30

I wonder when they are going to start construction of the Legion Road underpass and storm water pond?
I wonder when they are going to start construction of the Legion Road underpass and storm water pond?

I emailed councillor Grimes' office about this; there is no funding in the next 5 year block, so the projected is delayed indefinitely, even with a completed EA.
Which really makes you wonder how the city is managing development fees. The are has many units being built but the city isn't spending a cent in the area.
Which really makes you wonder how the city is managing development fees. The are has many units being built but the city isn't spending a cent in the area.

Oh Grimes is the absolute worst for this. All the Humber Bay Shores development money ends up in Mimico/New Toronto/Long Branch

Nothing is done for the actual neighbourhood. The condo association is crying bloody murder at these misappropriation of funds. Grimes knows his support comes from the gritty working class west of condoland, the yuppies living in the condos despise him.
Humber Bay Shores

Some of the ocmments on this website are outrageous. If anyone wants to know what seciton money is received or is anticpated that is a matter of public record, just email coundillor_grimes@toronto.ca and ask. June 17, 2011 the just City received a Section 37 payment of just over a million dollars for the development at 2115 to 2139 Lake Shore Blvd. W. Money for these developments is not paid in advance only after completion to a specific level. $480 K is towards the finalization of park improvements south of Marine Parade Drive, $30 K for improvements to the adjacent park
$500 K was to offset costs for the implementation of the outdoor ice skating which is for the whole city. and was already built
For planning purposes with the city of Toronto Mimico includes Humber Bay Shores. More than 10 million dollars was spent in Humber Bay Shores/Mimico to extend the linear park - from city money not section money. Millions is being spent on widening Park Lawn Rd - because of the increased population, bus routes have been extended and last year millions were spent to upgrade the hydro power lines - which come down Kipling Avenue, to increase and stabilize the power to the area, this will continue this year along Lake Shore Blvd, (andLake Shore is two words when referring to the street), and the switches are being replaced this year. Two new traffic lights, at a cost of $150,00 a piece have been added to accomodate the condos, one at Legion Rd and one at Palace Pier. Mimico Creek walking trail is being built for the condos along Park Lawn and Legion Rd, with Section money and other funds from the TRCA and the storm water management system at Bonar Creek ( Park Lawn and Lake Shore)is being expanded to stop storm water run off from ruining the land south of Lake Shore.
The Jean Augustine Park and the Humber Bay Shores Park were built with section money.
The Humber Bay Library was refurbished in recent history. It is on Park Lawn Rd just north of the Queensway. Plans were approved at City Council this year to rebuild the out buildings in Humber Bay Park East to eventually include a restaurant.
It's good that those items are being done, but why is there no money for the Legion Road connection? That's why people are upset here. Doesn't an EA have to be redone if the road is not completed within a set time?
Development fees should look after the immediate needs of serving the developments first, and city benefits second. If there is no money for the next 5 years to extend Legion Rd when will it be extended? Within the next five years there aren't going to be any new developments along Legion Rd to pay for it. All the development fees for the developments along Manitoba Drive, and Legion Rd including the development at Legion and Lakshore should be earmarked for the Legion Rd extension first and foremost. How much has been collected in those developments so far and how much will be collected in the next 5 years? If it isn't built by the time the self-storage building is redeveloped and Algoma St properties are developed it will never be built. The Dufferin jog inconvenienced far more people for decades before getting eliminated so if this isn't built at the start when will there be greater incentive to do so?
Recent posts about occupying units in this complex have been moved to the Real Estate thread for this project.
