Taken 19/08/2011

great updates cruzin! these are beasts for sure...too bad the roof elements are so rough looking...
great updates cruzin! these are beasts for sure...too bad the roof elements are so rough looking...

Yeah, those roofs look pretty bad. They are already discoloured and look like they are faded. What kind of crappy materials are they made out of?
Looks like there's about 5 floors to go on Star Tower, which is already huge! I agree that it seemed to just fly up.
Nov 15:
I see 5 of the retail units have been sold, but no indication who bought them.

Looks like 3 more floors to go before the cap goes on. Pavers were being laid along the west side with the front area ready for them for 50% of the area.






We have a front page article up, talking with Councillor Mark Grimes about all of the surrounding park land development, which also touches on transport in the area, and yeah, there was the full story on the topping off too. You can find that in the related items section from the story linked here.

driving in on Saturday night, it looked like most or all of the steel skeleton for the roof on the tallest tower is now up...
