Driving west along the Gardiner at Dufferin these towers look massive in the distance, like another city.


I dog walk in that building and I'm not too impressed with the finish/quality. One of my friends has white plastic cupboards.
My friend lives in this building and they just (after 6 months of him living there) opened the amenities, including the gym.

Now we had plans to work out there, but I think we're sticking to our gym membership. This is the most pathetic condo gym I have ever witnessed. My craptastic apartment building in Ottawa had a Goodlife for a gym compared to this! 4 Costco-grade treadmills, 2 spinning bikes, a rack of dumbbells and a few yoga balls/mats. Nothing else! No universal machine, no bench press, no ellipticals.. Just awful.. Empire is being hostile with residents who are complaining saying that they have fulfilled their contractual obligations in regards to the equipment. People are very angry. The looks on their faces when they came into the gym was priceless. Our investment condo at Grand Harbour has just about the best gym I've seen in any condo. 4 Precor treadmills, ellipticals and bikes, a generous weight room with machines for just about every muscle and even a rowing machine! The more and more I'm exposed to older condos, the more I appreciate them.

However, they spared no expense on the showcase party room residents will seldom use. Great priorities there, Empire.

A disappointment.
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I find your take on the amenities some what interesting. I've seen quite a few condo gyms and never have really been that impressed. But I am of the opinion that if you're serious about working out and having an active lifestyle, you'd prefer an actually gym (which honestly you can't expect to fit into a condo podium and be a free of charge facility, if that's the standard you want). I think every condo tower putting in these mediocre "gyms" are a waste and would be better to eliminate them all together (thus lowering unit cost) or put in better amenities (for instance a media room or more outdoor living space). And as party rooms, from the friends I know that live in condos they're quite popular. Obviously not used constantly but are usually fairly booked with small birthday gatherings, seasonal parties, and by some residents who simply don't have a big enough unit to entertain a large group. But to each their own I suppose.

My post is not meant to be condescending and hope it doesn't read that way!
Only God could have created that sun ! Wow nice pic !

Actually it's atmospheric distortion created by the sun's closeness to the horizon that's creating what you see. But I agree, nice picture (minor quibble though, would it kill people to straighten their horizons?!)
Incredible change in this area. That view of Etobicoke waterfront rivals some whole cities, and this is just a small part of Toronto!
