Back from the dead, the City is again moving forward with developing its portion of this site and has a partner lined up in Dundee Kilmer.

Article here:

High level concept below: (from article at


Big box proposal next to VP is out, in favour of midrise most of the way through the site, tapering down to the east, a linear park along the rail corridor, along with the larger space with frontage on Gerrard.

A definite improvement, but really needs to be integrated w/the Riocan-owned plaza at the corner of Gerrard/VP, the gas station and Auto shop sites as well.

I would also have argued for hirise on VP itself, but the density is otherwise reasonable for the area.

I think with redevelopment of other lands, the park could be squared off and large enough to support at least one substantial recreational use; while allowing for mid/hirise on the plaza site.

I would also argue than the new North-south street should come all the way down to Gerrard, and I'd like to see another mid-block connection as well.

But this really is a step forward from the last proposal.
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I would agree, I think this is an improvement. would have also liked to see more of a connection to Gerrard Street, as well as greater density. 120 Units of housing on 7.6 acres seems like very low density, even with a park that spans the worst of the brownfield areas.

Curious to know more about the parcel of quarry lands just east of the map. I used to live near there, and it is a large site! Looking forward to seeing something happen.

Now, to get Riocan to intelligently redevelop and intensify that plaza site in the south-west corner of the above image (north-east of Gerrard/Vic Park.

Ideally one more N-S street cutting through 2-3 buildings with the Freschco brought out to the street.

The outlier block w/the gas-station intruding into the park is also unfortunate, but I would consider that a lower priority in as much it's not a great development site; its only utility would be as more park space, perhaps paid for by the Riocan site doing cash-in-lieu.
Revisions have been made:


The whole area should've been masterplanned at once. This will be a transportation fail otherwise.

This site plan reminds me of the density along Kilgour Road and the perpetual traffic jam at the intersection with Bayview.
Revisions have been made:

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Whats with the big cut in parkland? A drop of more than 1ha or 2.75 acres?

That's nuts.

The unit totals are also way up +245, but the increase in affordable units is only 33.

Virtual Community Consultation Meeting on Quarry Lands set for Dec. 1

A Virtual Community Consultation Meeting on development plans for the Quarry Lands site in southwest Scarborough is set for the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 1.

Located northeast of Victoria Park Avenue and Gerrard Street East, the Quarry Lands are a huge site covering approximately 19 acres.

Over the years, the site has been the subject of numerous studies, meetings, consultations and development plans.

In September of 2019, a comprehensive plan for the portion of the lands owned by City of Toronto was revealed to area residents.

That plan by developers DiamondCorp and Kilmer Brownfield calls for a mix of low-rise residential buildings (approximately six to 10 storeys), townhouses, affordable housing and park land on the more westerly portion of the site.

The focus of the Dec. 1 virtual meeting will be on that plan which proposes more than 1,000 new residential units, a large section of public parkland, and two new public streets on the city’s land.

For information on how to take part in virtual meeting which starts at 6:30 p.m., please go to

At an April 26 virtual meeting, Melissa Walker, Diamond Kilmer’s development director, said the final version will be brought to Scarborough community council by June, and construction could start in mid-2022.

Past plans for the quarry have gotten stalled, however. In 2015, Toronto city council approved developments Build Toronto, then the city’s real estate arm, had proposed on the same parcels.

The plan was later abandoned and Build’s successor, CreateTO, sold those properties.

Diamond Kilmer’s scheme contains 5.8 acres of park land, including one 4.4-acre park, two connected public streets and 1,052 units, with 120 of those being affordable housing, including 48 townhouses for Habitat for Humanity families.

The tallest building, at 12 storeys, would stand near Victoria Park and contain 5,000 square feet of retail at its base, enough space for a coffee shop.

Walker said a school board may build an elementary school on the site.

This would reduce the total units to 849, though 120 would still be affordable, and the expected number of new residents from 1,900 to 1,600, she said.
Some equipment is on site.

Couldn't grab a pic, as I was driving. A friend grabbed this with his cell:


Final Report is at TEYCC on Friday. Still has to go through council.

No permits pulled on the site yet.
