I always find it a bit concerning when they throw up a development on treed and meadowed areas. Couldn't they find a surface parking lot to nuke somewhere instead?

...anywhoose, further reading suggests there are some good causes attached with this project...for what that is worth.

Development plan for Quarry Lands under consideration by Scarborough councillors at public meeting on June 25

A public meeting is set for the morning of Friday, June 25, to discuss development plans for the Quarry Lands in southwest Scarborough.

The meeting, which will be held by video conference and streamed online starting at 9:30 a.m., will allow members of Scarborough Community Council to receive public input on the plans for the 19-acre site located northeast of Victoria Park Avenue and Gerrard Street East.

The plan for the Quarry Lands is made up of five development blocks which will include a mix of mid-rise apartments and townhouses creating 1,052 new residential units in the area. The plan also includes two new roads and a public park of approximately 2.4 hectares.

As the plan stands now, there is also consideration being given to replacing one of the proposed mid-rise apartment buildings with a site for an elementary school instead. If this happens, the number of residential units in the plan will decrease as will the size of the public park.

Those wishing to speak at the June 25 public meeting being held by Scarborough Community Council are asked to register no later than noon on June 24 by sending an email to scc@toronto.ca

Information on the June 25 meeting can also be obtained by calling the City Clerk at 416-396-7287.

Those wishing to watch the livestream of the meeting can do so by logging on to www.youtube.com/TorontoCityCouncilLive on the morning of June 25.

Current condition of the site:

BlogTo is suddenly hiring more interesting writers, who have opinions that go deeper than yummy and yucky.

A piece by Sean Bellaviti takes aim at the proposed development here, noting the value of the nature that will destroyed.
I'm sympathetic to that argument, and to the need for more affordable housing.
I think what we are currently slated to get here, is good, but far from ideal.

This piece certainly comes too late to change anything, as the development here is already approved.

But I do lament that the City didn't acquire the already built up one-storey, parking filled plaza at the corner of Gerrard/VP, the adjacent Shell Station on Gerrard, and combine that with City's lands directly abutting Victoria Park; and then gone much taller, leaving the balance of the site as natural park space.
Site has construction fencing around it, and vegetation removal is underway in earnest.

Didn't have a chance to grab pics, but will in due course.
Last edited:
Pics, taken September 5th, 2021:

Vegetation removal (scrubbing) is well underway.




Much deeper into the site, we can clearly see the red chipper which is being fed the site's vegetation.

This one is being marketed as 'Birchley Park'

Site: https://birchleypark.com/

Hmmm, let's see what Diamond Kilmer says the nieghbourhood is like; and the distance to said features from the nearest point on the site..........


Hmm.....1.4km.....bit of a reach......but OK


2.5km....... really?


Ahem......if you thought Madame Gateaux took the cake.............ummm....4.1km away

