The lighting was magical last night, but unfortunately I couldn't quite capture it. Is anyone photoshop saavy?


...and there are workers here every day. Progress is being made.


Just made some adjustments in "iPhoto". I'm sure Redroom could do a much better job...
no... I think youve done quite well there! actually pretty impressive to be able to recover so much detail from that underexposed original.
just like that half completed Bangkok building posted on a UT thread previously :p
Good post. The views are better than I thought they would be from BSN. Looking across to CASA isn't hard on the eyes either.
Thanks for the pics Schulich07 !

How did you get inside to take the interior pics?
They don't look like they were taken with a zoom from another building ... :D
Yes I got the chance to check out inside the building briefly. You've got to know the right people :p
Hmmmm. don't have an answer for you guys...I put the pictures in my UT album if you check that out.
I can see Schulich07's photos posted above ~
Schulich, there may be something screwy with your post. I could not see the pics from my Mac at home and at work I could not see them on my PC... but now, suddenly the pictures just popped up. Hmm.

In your first post your html image code is visible which is not right.
