The trees east of Yonge were planted in the fall while the ones west of Yonge were planted in the spring. Now they know.

There were about 3 or 4 trees that were planed east of Yonge in June, in spots that were incomplete prior.
Bike locks :(

I doubt it as the security are very quick to remove bikes so there are few attached to these trees whenever I am walking Bloor and, as noted above, plane trees shed their bark on an ongoing basis. (See: ) "The mature bark peels off (exfoliates) easily in irregularly shaped patches, producing a mottled, scaly appearance. On old trunks, bark may not flake off, but thickens and cracks instead."
They have closed off part of the curb lane outside H&M near Yonge, so maybe they're finally getting around to fixing up the foundation of that building and the sidewalk in front of it.
It'll all be fixed up in good time.
I just came along Bloor Street from dinner at The Coffee Mill. It looks so great along there at night in the summer, it even smells good with all those trees and flowers!
I so wish they'd fix the green feature lights at Cumberland & Bellair, half of them are burned out. Also, I haven't seen the mist spray in there used in years.
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do they wash off that spraypaint??? i would hate for that to stay... and i hope it was necessary
It'll all be fixed up in good time.
I just came along Bloor Street from dinner at The Coffee Mill. It looks so great along there at night in the summer, it even smells good with all those trees and flowers!
I so wish they'd fix the green feature lights at Cumberland & Bellair, half of them are burned out. Also, I haven't seen the mist spray in there used in years.

I have to agree, the Tree-lighting at night / early morning is really beautiful. Def adds drama.
Longo's at the corner of Bloor & Park Rd. has done a really nice job creating some visual interest with their storefront at the end of the HBC bunker. They've now added a small patio out front which is another small but significant addition to the corner.


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Now that they have opened up the sidewalk in front of French Connection you can look into the basement of the building, which extends out under the sidewalk.
Sept 15


Shame, shame!
Not attacking you personally, but do we really have to resort to wording like this? It's the sort of thing that is used in the Middle East or South Asia and doesn't belong in a developed, western democracy IMO. Even better is when we have mobs of people saying it repeatedly as some sort of political statement, when it only makes them look like small minded bullies.
