Dec 29 Update

North and south ends of the Burano site, respectively

Move in dates - etched in sand

From the Murano thread:

"I have a unit on the 40th floor of the South Tower and my new move in date is mid January 2010!"​

Which raises an obvious issue on Burano. Given that the move in date for it was originally set for 2010, should I re-schedule my movers?

Does anyone have a revised move in date for Burano or is it 201X?

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I don't know. But I'm heartened to see them digging away there. Seeing as it's going to be a little while before we're looking at exciting renderings again, at least we'll be able to watch some construction sites to help while away the time.


Nothing really to see here... but what the heck...

That parking garage couldn't be in a more perfect place for people taking photos of the construction!
From the Murano thread:

"I have a unit on the 40th floor of the South Tower and my new move in date is mid January 2010!"​

Which raises an obvious issue on Burano. Given that the move in date for it was originally set for 2010, should I re-schedule my movers?

Does anyone have a revised move in date for Burano or is it 201X?

Well it partly depends on what floor you're in; but even so I would make a guess to say you won't even be considering anything less than January 2011 and very most likely 2012.
That parking garage couldn't be in a more perfect place for people taking photos of the construction!

Yeah it gave me a good vantage. Lumiere down the road also benefits from a 10+ storey parkade abutting the site. The last time I took pictures of that construction site (October/Nov) I went up there to take a few shots.

1BE also benefits from the parking on Charles St. The top floor of that parkade provides a perfect shot of the field that is 1BE above the hoarding.

When I took these shots I was amazed at how narrow the Burano site looks. The small access street between the parking garage and the Burano site will eventually be the main road to get-in-and-out-of both this parking garage and the Burano parking lots. It will be busy for an alley.

What an exquisite model.

You can even see that the mechanical box on the top of the tower will be clad in the same panelling/pattern as the narrower (non-glass) portions of Murano.
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Retail @ Ground Floor

I'm sure this question will come up in the future ~ :)

The answer is ... YES there is retail on the ground floor of Burano, as shown on the ground floor plan I found in the Heritage Impact Statement document

Retail will occupy majority of the Bay Street frontage, as well as that 'feature' glass atrium on the north end of the site (shown below)~

I believe the future address for Burano has been assigned as 832 Bay Street



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Damn it Solaris!
Now I can't post my automatically generated "will there be retail?" question :)

Thanks, good news!
There was talk of a restaurant type facility in the atrium component of the podium with an opportunity for a large patio on Grosvenor Street.
That would definitely animate this section of Bay Street a little more -- and would create a constant audience for the new art contribution by Barb Astman across the street. :)
If those restaurant rumours are true, I hope it is something more along the lines of a "Bistro 990" type restaurant north of this location, instead of a "McDonalds". haha. Yonge Street can keep those.
