I imagine they would find a suitable, upscale restaurant.
i recall someone on here saying they would be carefully and intricately reconstructing the old building. the renderings and that model seem to show the building is going to be white...or some cream-like substance. someone please enlighten me before i get sad.

the art on the north side...is that going to have a cafe or something? i'd be pleased with that.
i recall someone on here saying they would be carefully and intricately reconstructing the old building. the renderings and that model seem to show the building is going to be white...or some cream-like substance. someone please enlighten me before i get sad.

I think it's safe to chock up the cream coloured facade to being a render-error. Existing damage will be repaired off-site by a specialized heritage masonry contractor. Perhaps a clean-up too, but no change to the colour or texture.
February 10 2009 update

excavation appears to have reached one level down at the north end of the site ~


I wonder what impact all this development is having on College Station. Many thousands of new people are now moving into the area with many more to come.
^^ I use College Station everyday. It is already packed most of the time and it seems to be getting busier.

If you look at the TTC ridership growth from the past few years, College had one of the biggest jumps. But that is hard to associate with new construction since ROCP and the Met had yet to come online and the previous year's study was completed when the college streetcar line was under reconstruction.

Next year's figures will give us a good indication but my nonscientific first-hand account of the increase in volume should be validated. Murano/Burano/Lumiere should all have a positive impact on College and Queens Park.
This building is nearly as close to Wellesley station as it is to College station.

I'm sure just as many people will use that too, maybe even more since Wellesley doesn't pack up the same way that College does.
This building is nearly as close to Wellesley station as it is to College station.

I'm sure just as many people will use that too, maybe even more since Wellesley doesn't pack up the same way that College does.

It's a sucker's game trying to board at Wellesley during rush hour, unless you're going the opposite direction of traffic. Very few people disembark there in the morning, relative to College. Also remember that Wellesley is half a block east of Yonge.
And it might as well be deemed close to Queen's Park station as well--and more "weatherproof", given how close the Macdonald Block underground walkway is. (However long that's going to remain open to the general public.)
Very busy site today. Here's a quick breakdown.

-Two shoring machines working away on opposite sides of the site
-Excavator feeding an endless stream of dump trucks
-Two more earth-removing machines moving around the site working away
-One worker preparing the steel for shoring (welding, cutting, etc.)
-15+ total workers on site

thx for all the detailed updates, ProjectEnd!
Burano, today. Nothing special except a lot of mud. (Click on thumbnail and then click image for full view)

Today, March 4

^What time did u take these pics? I think I am in the second one, as I was walking back from work at around 5, and stopped under the Burano awning to count the stories on the south Murano.
