Guess you've been missing all the news stories regarding problems with front loading washing machines.
Guess you've been missing all the news stories regarding problems with front loading washing machines.

the mold stories aren't really an issue if one properly wipes dry the rubber seal and let's it air out for an hour before closing it completely.

the problem is alot of ppl close them shut right after washin, thus trapping the moisture ... perfect conditions for mold growth
Guess you've been missing all the news stories regarding problems with front loading washing machines.

I thought I'd heard about that too and was wondering if that was a rational. Although as others have mentioned...if it's not going to affect sales, the builder will cut costs. What is the advantage of the front load machines anyways other than the ability to stack? I originally thought that they were HE but then I saw that you can buy front load in HE or non HE....or does a front load still use less water which I thought was the main reason.
I thought I'd heard about that too and was wondering if that was a rational. Although as others have mentioned...if it's not going to affect sales, the builder will cut costs. What is the advantage of the front load machines anyways other than the ability to stack? I originally thought that they were HE but then I saw that you can buy front load in HE or non HE....or does a front load still use less water which I thought was the main reason.

"Manufacturers recommend doing a number of things to reduce or eliminate mold, mildew and odor problems:

Only use high efficiency (HE) detergent and never use more than the recommended amount. Remove wet wash right away. Then, keep the door open a bit to let the washer dry out. (Consumer Reports warns this can be a safety problem if you have young children in the house). Follow the manufacturer’s "washer care" instructions in your owner’s manual. If there are no specific cleaning instructions run a "cleaning cycle" once a month – no clothes just hot water and a cup of bleach. This may work, but after speaking to lots of people with smelly washers, I can tell you there is no guaranteed cure.

There’s no question front-loaders are a better way to do laundry. They use significantly less water, do a superior job of cleaning and are gentler on your clothing. Because they remove so much water in the spin cycle, less drying is needed, which reduces electricity usage. But then there’s that odor problem.

Manufacturers are well aware of the potential for mold growth. I think they should come clean with their customers by specifically and prominently alerting them to the problem and how to prevent it.

A marketing person would call that crazy. But the current approach of ignoring the odor problem only results in unhappy customers who complain about their washer to friends and on the Internet.

If you buy a front-loader, do yourself a favor and take extra care – from day one – to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria."
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Sorry but:


If you want to discuss the merits of front v. top-loading appliances make a new thread in some backwater forum but please, keep it out of here. Not to mini-mod it up, but for the love of Maytag lets keep things straightforward.
Dec. 4th Lobby Update

As androiduk reported, the glass doors have been installed and lobby panels are going up. The photographs aren't great but they give an idea of what's happening.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

This building can do no wrong.

As Casa is starting to come to finish I will admit I am starting to like it a bit more than before but I still like BSN better. Although, I think they are both going to be great buildings, appealing to different tastes and preferences. I prefer BSN as I am not a fan of glass buildings and I prefer the idea of an indoor pool to an outdoor heated pool (which does not make sense in Toronto). I also think BSN blends in better with the neighbourhood. I know I will get a few members on this forum who will insult me for saying I like BSN more though but I am entitled to my opinion.
As Casa is starting to come to finish I will admit I am starting to like it a bit more than before but I still like BSN better. Although, I think they are both going to be great buildings, appealing to different tastes and preferences. I prefer BSN as I am not a fan of glass buildings and I prefer the idea of an indoor pool to an outdoor heated pool (which does not make sense in Toronto). I also think BSN blends in better with the neighbourhood. I know I will get a few members on this forum who will insult me for saying I like BSN more though but I am entitled to my opinion.

You alllllmost had it.
This building can do no wrong.

I'd like it to have a store or cafe at street level. :D

I think all major buildings downtown should give something back to the city with retail, a library, art gallery, community centre, daycare, a restaurant or something of value to the community. If it's in the high density downtown core, it needs to be more than just residential. That's how you build a great city.
I'd like it to have a store or cafe at street level. :D

I think all major buildings downtown should give something back to the city with retail, a library, art gallery, community centre, daycare, a restaurant or something of value to the community. If it's in the high density downtown core, it needs to be more than just residential. That's how you build a great city.

I'd normally agree but in a case like Casa or projects on small residential or secondary streets I'm not so sure that there needs to be something for the community at large in projects such as this. The east half of the Casa lobby would make a great public space (restaurant, cafe etc.) but another door and sign would totally ruin the front of Casa.
This building can do no wrong.

Agreed and from a distance, like driving down the DVP, it looks a bit like "the Pru" as you are driving into Boston.
Oh so sexy.

Regarding debate over indoor vs. outdoor pools, I personally much prefers an outdoor pool. I don't agree with having it heated all year round, but I love the idea having an outdoor pool in the summer where you can swim and suntan.. I am currently in a building with an indoor pool and I never use it. Outdoor pool is very appealing..
