A couple more from this morning... Welcome back, leaves!


I predict this going to be one building everyone knows (like Spire).
By the time it's topped off with that interesting design, there is going to be a lot of oohs and ahhs coming from down on the street.
Damn.. that building looks sexy!
I just received a letter from CASA in today's mail...I am a little confused by it.

It is dated April 22nd and mentions that the concrete had just been poured on the 41st floor. Leading to the assumption that we may well be up to the 43rd now. Also mentioned that as of April 22nd glass is up to the 33rd floor and that all the kitchen and suite finishes have arrived and are working their way up the tower.

THEN it goes on to say that the tentative closing has been moved to December 1st. I can understand moving in later than the original date of August that they gave me...but the way I see it my 10th floor unit according to them has been finished and if it hasn't it will be very shortly. And according to them the crane will be out by the end of July and likely all the glass will be completed. So if come August there's no more crane, the hat is complete and all the glass has been completed as well as my 10th floor unit....why would I not receive keys until December 1st? That's 4 months! Unless they plan on completing all of the units before allowing anybody to move in?

This has got to be very disappointing, but consider the likely advantages and allow me to put a positive spin on this:

* short term "phantom" rent
* more time to save $$ before taking out your mortgage
* your building will likely be close to completion so you won't be stepping over boards to get into an unfinished lobby, no plywood protecting the elevator cab walls, you'll have finished hallways with carpet laid and you won't be subject to ongoing construction noise for months
* much reduced construction dust in your suite (a big one, trust me!)
* operational building services
* after your PDI, the developer will be able to focus on addressing deficiencies instead of rushing units to completion above
* amenities will be finished, or close to completion
* fire alarms won't be going off at all hours of the day and night, often set off due to defective or overly sensitive sensors
* improved elevator service (when buildings are still under construction, one elevator is on service much of the time for construction materials to be moved and for contractors to use plus a second elevator on service for move-ins)
..there's more, but it's not coming to me right now

I don't want to mention buildings by name but anyone who frequents the P&C forum has likely read about so many buildings which have people moving into their new homes under less than ideal conditions while still under construction.
how many more does it still have to go to reach the final height. that entire area is going to look SO nice!

I'm guessing we're at the 43rd right now or starting on the 44th. So 3 or 4 depending on it being 46 or 47 floors. But then we also have to add the mechanical as well as the hat.
May 8th Update

Bonito Casa!

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