I don't hate Casa, I just prefer BSN as I think it fits in better with the neighbourhood and I like that it is a bit more discreet than Casa which is a bit of a big glass eyesoar to me.


Above lies the roots of the problem here pepper79. The high level of antagonism and venom that you have spewed about Casa over and over again has raised the hair on the backs of those who follow this thread with interest. Further, on a good day you still contradict yourself in one paragraph ("I don't hate Casa"... "it's a big glass eyesore"). It's great that you love BSN and it's just fine that you don't like Casa but attacking the one that you don't like over and over for pages on end has become entirely tiresome and amounts to taunting. You've stated your opinion on several occasions, that's great but you don't have to beat it to death and continue to bait the thread which is what your doing.

If you don't have anything new to contribute on the Casa thread, please stop! :)

Happy New Year.

Above lies the roots of the problem here pepper79. The high level of antagonism and venom that you have spewed about Casa over and over again has raised the hair on the backs of those who follow this thread with interest. Further, on a good day you still contradict yourself in one paragraph ("I don't hate Casa"... "it's a big glass eyesore"). It's great that you love BSN and it's just fine that you don't like Casa but attacking the one that you don't like over and over for pages on end has become entirely tiresome and amounts to taunting. You've stated your opinion on several occasions, that's great but you don't have to beat it to death and continue to bait the thread which is what your doing.

If you don't have anything new to contribute on the Casa thread, please stop! :)

Happy New Year.

It goes both ways, what about all of the hate being spread over on the BSN thread? I find that just as tiresome as well. It just seems like it is okay to attack BSN but god forbid you say anything about Casa, you get shunned. You complain about me attacking Casa over and over again but why it is okay to attack BSN and me over and over again? Now that is a contradicition!
Well, I, for one, feel that it's too easy to overwork the "Casa rules, BSN drools" angle in addressing pepper79--after all, I, for one, am willing to allow for the possibility that the (to abuse a Venturi trope) "dumb and ordinary" aesthetic of BSN might actually "wear" better as a living environment in certain respects than the ultrasophisticatied sleek modern transparency of Casa. (Like, it isn't as if the postmodern critique of High Modernism didn't have a point--even if the likes of Tom Wolfe and Prince Charles beat the point to the pox-on-all-Modernist-houses ground.)

But the whole peril in my even articulating such a point in this thread is the possibility that pepper79's going to pounce on it like mad and wrap it around himself like a shawl. Look; the issue here isn't that pepper79 prefers BSN to Casa; it's that his grounds for such a preference are expressed in such an insufferably puerile and defensive fashion, and these lurches into "forum is so biased" and calls to the moderator are only driving him further into the fringe-annoyance category. And, to repeat, with friends like that, BSN doesn't need enemies--heck, even if I chose to live in BSN (and it isn't like I wouldn't; somehow, the inherent "democracy" of apartment/condo living manages to override the aesthetics of the package in a way that single-family-household living doesn't), I wouldn't want to live next door to a nutty pest like pepper79.

And as proof that it's all in the delivery and how it can so easily backfire on a person, I'm thinking back to this earlier "moderator's post"...

Pepper, read and reread this post. Then read it again for good measure.
I just don't understand why people feel that I am an "idiot, moron, loon, insane..." and every other stupid label that people want to throw at me because I don't happen to like Casa. We live in a democracy, not a dictatorship and I am allowed to have freedom of speech to express my opinion and should not be lambasted every time someone's feelings get hurt when I share my opinion of Casa.

The reaction may have been largely related to this:
I think Casa is tacky and I think it truly appeals to people who don't have a more elevated and sophistciated level of taste, it is really meant for people whose taste is "that is shiny, I like that". In other words, it appeals to the less intelligent of those around us :)

If you had simply stated a preference for one building and how it fits in to the neighbourhood, I think most would have simply agreed to disagree. But suggesting the level of taste, sophistication and intelligence of the Casa-lovers is lower was just asking for it - especially in a forum where people are at least reasonably more engaged and informed than the general public when it comes to architecture, urban planning etc.

Back on topic, count me in with the Casa lovers. I'm completely regretting not buying here when I had the chance. Haven't really been in that neighbourhood recently...would there be room to create a second tower anywhere close to this, as a "Casa 2"? I could see a cluster of similar towers looking even more stunning...kind of like a residential version of the TD Centre.
It goes both ways, what about all of the hate being spread over on the BSN thread? I find that just as tiresome as well. It just seems like it is okay to attack BSN but god forbid you say anything about Casa, you get shunned. You complain about me attacking Casa over and over again but why it is okay to attack BSN and me over and over again? Now that is a contradicition!

I agree. Remember, the mods. locked down the BSN thread for a month or so after posting a warning because the comments on the building were, to a great extent, pretty much out of control. As I recall a great many of the comments were at a point of serving no purpose and contributing nothing but useless vitriol.

It's a new year, let's move forward and be thankful that we've got a terrific forum to share information and have stimulating discussion & debate at a time when so many great things are happening in our city and environs. :)
Pepper79's case for BSN is based on applying the idea of "good taste" - something that's perilously tied to the whims of fashion, relies on received opinions, and distanced from the personal experience of something - and it's bound to be weak when faced with the aesthetic appeal of Casa. Attempting to superimpose one set of values on another, when they're about different things, is fraught with danger.

He's actually on the right track when he talks about immediate emotional responses to buildings - his "that is shiny, I like that" - as the basis for aesthetic judgements, but the problem appears to be his interpretation of what he sees in the case of Casa.
Rogers or Bell?

I received a letter in the mail about Bell offering a TV, phone and internet package to CASA residents. Make sure you read the fine print on the back of the letter if you are offered the same deal. I ordered my Rogers package today and they offered the same 3 months free, but you have to ask for it or it won't be offered. I'm not sure if CASA has worked out a bulk deal with either company but I will find out. By the way, Rogers is not available in the building (or at least the upper floors) until February 14th.
Team Me asked;

Back on topic, count me in with the Casa lovers. I'm completely regretting not buying here when I had the chance. Haven't really been in that neighbourhood recently...would there be room to create a second tower anywhere close to this, as a "Casa 2"? I could see a cluster of similar towers looking even more stunning...kind of like a residential version of the TD Centre.

The brutalist building on the east side of CASA was slated for development before the crash, so that would be a likely contender for CASA 2.
I received a letter in the mail about Bell offering a TV, phone and internet package to CASA residents. Make sure you read the fine print on the back of the letter if you are offered the same deal. I ordered my Rogers package today and they offered the same 3 months free, but you have to ask for it or it won't be offered. I'm not sure if CASA has worked out a bulk deal with either company but I will find out. By the way, Rogers is not available in the building (or at least the upper floors) until February 14th.

Is Bell offering their BES service?

The brutalist building on the east side of CASA was slated for development before the crash, so that would be a likely contender for CASA 2.

There's also that above ground parking garage that the city might eventually sell-off for redevelopment, and if demand warrants I could also see the YMCA and Canada Post buildings going. Sanctuary is also in a bit of a weird spot now; their land value has probably skyrocketed, so much so that it might be worth it for them to sell off the land and use the money to get a cheaper place somewhere else
^^^ just say no to monoculture! even though none of these buildings on their own are any great treasures, I think there is great value in having such diversity in the streetscape. Its what keeps streets interesting rather than sterile...
Sanctuary is also in a bit of a weird spot now; their land value has probably skyrocketed, so much so that it might be worth it for them to sell off the land and use the money to get a cheaper place somewhere else

the land value most likely has gone up, but how big is the lot?
probably not big enough to build something substantial.

isn't the lands next to it a public parkette ... then the comfort inn hotel?
i can't see the city selling off a public parkette to a developer, but one can never say never.
the land value most likely has gone up, but how big is the lot?
probably not big enough to build something substantial.

isn't the lands next to it a public parkette ... then the comfort inn hotel?
i can't see the city selling off a public parkette to a developer, but one can never say never.

The parkette is a very popular alternative to Yonge Street and has a lot of foot traffic. The subway is also directly beneath it creating an expensive challenge to anyone wanting to build on that site. The Sanctuary would make a great restaurant space, especially if a strip of park a couple of metres wide was to become a patio.
