Personally I think it's a good thing. Shows that people are thinking beyond their little corner of the world.
Chicago now above grade - pic by Jasonzed at SSC:

With the new details in the thread titles, it's immediately clear who supplies the cheesy renditions of historic architecture in this region. Send your hate mail to Kirkor.
With the new details in the thread titles, it's immediately clear who supplies the cheesy renditions of historic architecture in this region. Send your hate mail to Kirkor.

hey you've gotta give credit to Kirkor for at least being consistent/persistant :D ... on the historic architecture building design theme found in New York Towers, Empire, Rockefeller, The Bayview, Merci, The Capital (MCC), One Part Tower (MCC), Chicago (MCC), Kilgour Estates, 7 City Centre (VCC), 1st version of Trump Tower ... but I must say 'some' in this list did turned out not bad IMO ... although artificial ~

and on a side note (but much worst) ... how can I forget 'Star of Downtown' :D
Kirkor also do Modernish, I mean ist: Waterclub, Ellipse, Arc. They just create whatever is asked of them. They don't have a signature style so much as they have paying clients. Send the hate mail to the developers. No wait, send the mail to the people who line up to buy units in the most egregiously designed complexes.

I don't have a problem with historicist architecture as long as it's done well. Kirkor doesn't seem to much thought into anything they design. It's seems to be just some decoration added at the end to fit with the marketing plan.
Actually guys, if you visit Kirkor's website, the rendering for Chicago is a little different than what is actually getting built at MCC.

As for the design actually getting built, overall I don't think the design is outstanding, but don't think it's as atrocious as some of the other members make it out to be...
OMG You're right newbie! It appears Chicago also underwent The Cheapening™. Except in Chicago's case it had already been infected and survived before we ever saw a rendering. I still like what we're getting, I just like the old one better.
Wow what a shame. The original design is excellent. "A little different" is an understatement. What is actually getting built is just lame. Why can't Daniel's build more buildings like No. 1 City Centre? They are the ones ruining MCC with their crap, not Kirkor.
Maybe they can build the original rendering for Chicago as Chicago II when they release it next year? (or whatever they call the next phase of their MCC development).
From what I understand of the project, the land immediately to the east of Chicago will be a "twin tower" arrangement, while the land to the east of One Park Tower will be a "solo tower." So you'd potentially need Chicago II and Chicago III if CC's suggestion is realized...
Somewhat unrelated ...

Why is the star so postive about Missi ... Hume included ... everything is so great there ... all the recent developments have been ataining more urban merits. Then at the same time so negitive to Toronto or no mention of areas such as NYCC trying to achieve the same thing...
