There's a midrise building in Washington, DC called "The Toronto". I think it was up on P St., just west of Dupont Circle
some pics from today, looks like they are up to the 6th floor of the podium..




east face..

Confederation is going to have quite the streetwall when everything is all said and done with all of these developments.
Looks like once the building is around 10 stories tall they will have to move the crane over and place it in the middle of the building.
I thought the crane placement was weird too. I guess we'll see what happens soon.
The crane is where it is because the footprint of this building is MASSIVE. The parking structure takes up the entire site area so the crane was placed in the centre. The crane is pretty large too for a condo so I wouldn't be surprised if it is replaced with a smaller one.
I love that the podium on this thing is going to be so tall. I like buildings with some heft.
Scaled Model

Note: Daniels added 2 floors to the podium but never updated their scaled model, hence model as shown is 'less than accurate' :rolleyes:

West View

South View

Southeast View
February 22 2009 update

Southwest View @ Street Level - 6th floor nearly complete

View from 19th floor of One Park Tower - I was sadly disappointed in Daniels with its poor materials + workmanship :(
Why all the town homes on one half of the site!
Because the tower is on the other half.

It's all clear now, thanks for the enlightenment ;)

as opposed to another tower or park that is ... I don't like these projects that incorporate both elements, they usually turn out for the worse.
It's all clear now, thanks for the enlightenment ;)

as opposed to another tower or park that is ... I don't like these projects that incorporate both elements, they usually turn out for the worse.

Both the Capital Towers and One Park Tower were built with a townhouse component. It actually works well as the townhomes create a pedestrian scaled walkway that runs through the entire length of the site.
It works well in the short term, but in the end with all these projects coming on online with the same ideas you get a disconnect between the different sites. I'd rather the developer stick to the tower only and wait for another developer to build an adjacent building ... not necessarily as high by any means.

btw - I do know what you mean in regards to creating a pedestrian walk way of sorts, I've walked around that complex a few times now. I think in the long term it's short sited though.

Although I guess they can be demolished when the time is right.
