There is also a really fun effect when an elevator goes up the shaft. There are brighter lights that look like they are on the outside which light up as the elevator goes by them.
There is also a really fun effect when an elevator goes up the shaft. There are brighter lights that look like they are on the outside which light up as the elevator goes by them.

Those are just the LEDs hitting the elevator and reflecting back at you. It is a cool effect though.
Looks pretty snazzy for the most part. So if you happen to be in the elevators when the lights are on will you be blinded and glowing neon blue when you step off.
More testing

More testing is going on tonight for anyone who can see the tower. Tonight's testing is a little more varied than last night, saw a rainbow design up the north elevator shaft which was cool. Also worthy of noting that the lights go up two more sections towards the top of the spire. Only the very top portion of the spire remains unlit.
I noticed tonight for a couple of minutes the lights above the bubble were animated. They went through various wave sequences where it appeared as though they were "moving around" in a counter clockwise direction. Their speed went through stationary to faster levels. The elevator shaft lights also went through a motion sequence.
The fabulous thing about LED's is the ability to change each individual LED unit a different colour, and also to control its intensity (on/off). The tower will be able to strobe, pulse, chase, and change to almost any colour. And all of this will be achieved with phenomenally low power consumption - boy do I love LEDs. The only unfortunate side is that the LEDs will never be able to produce a pure 'white' colour. As the LEDs are an additive colour source. Each LED unit is made up of multiple Red, Green, and Blue LED's. All three of these combined at the same level produce the 'white' colour that you see.

Well boys. I decided to drink some grey goose vodka, chill on my balcony, and take pictures of all the random thing's they are doing to the tower. Some of the effects are quite impressive but obviously can't be shown via still photography.
So here's as best as I can do with the equipment at hand. Hope you enjoy.
Canada Day



All White
Your shots are unreal!!

Amazing. Anytime you feel like shooting more at night, I would love to see them!
