One of the really cool tests last night included a sparkle effect of the lights flashing on and off in a random pattern getting faster and faster. Looked amazing.
Almost organic looking the way it changes colours so rapidly- kind of reminds me of deep see jellies and squid.
The CN Tower is now a real delight to watch right now. After a steady run through of colours like on Monday, the tower is now going through a mid-speed spin of different colours - a slo-mo of the Youtube video.
CN Tower: The lights look great!

Everyone: Those pix of the CN Tower with the lights make it look great! I just wonder why they did not do this years back...LI MIKE
Best thing to happen to since HTO last weekend, which was the best thing since Luminato, which was the best thing to happen since the ROM pre-opening... Folks? It's been a good couple of weeks. Maybe the best this decade. Imagine that: feeling good about being a Torontonian. Wente? National Post? Hume (on his "heavy" days)? Jump in the lake.
Sorry need to chide in now too- now that I have seen your shots moss..some really nice work there..I hope you don't mind, but I had to save a couple for the desktop..the shot overlooking the edge of the tower, with the spots shooting into the air is great...thanks..

I still wish the concrete base would be lit up- they could create a gradient which floods up the sides and fades out as it approaches the the moment I feel like the thermometer effect might destroy the overall intention...

