I was thinking exactly the same thing. This is shaping up to be a very good year for Toronto - and the year is not even half over - Pride Week, Caribana, CNE (where for the first time in years, the TTC will have something to show off), Nuit Blanche and so much more on the way.

Robert Fulford and Royson James can join Wente and Hume's bad mood days and jump off the bluffs.
I still wish the concrete base would be lit up

My thought too. The tower's landmark silhouette is largely made up of the curves on the concrete base. It's certainly a feature on the tower that should be highlighted by lighting.
Thanks p5. If you want a specific resolution for your computer just send me a PM. All the photos are saved in a much higher resolution.
Best thing to happen to T.dot since HTO last weekend, which was the best thing since Luminato, which was the best thing to happen since the ROM pre-opening... Folks? It's been a good couple of weeks. Maybe the best this decade. Imagine that: feeling good about being a Torontonian. Wente? National Post? Hume (on his "heavy" days)? Jump in the lake.

and now the new transit money!
My thought too. The tower's landmark silhouette is largely made up of the curves on the concrete base. It's certainly a feature on the tower that should be highlighted by lighting.

That would be cool, but I sure am happy with what I've been seeing this week. It has far exceeded any expectation of lighting the building up that I ever had.
been driving on gardiner at 2am at night cuz of working late and seeing the CN TOwer lit up is amazing.. it was steady red/white one night (very canadian) and the other night it was phasing itself in different colors (green yellow blue red etc.) and it was really nice too. very attractive. i'm glad they didn't light the concret shaft cuz now it's the elevators and it gives it a very slim straight ultramodern look. makes the city look lightyears ahead from the 70s era that it looked like before.
WOW! Simply stunning, terrific shots! Toronto is looking a little like Vegas in a few of those shots.

Agreed, but don't ruin it by saying it looks like Vegas. Vegas is a tacky theme park. Toronto is infinitely more sophisticated and elegant than what you just compared it to.

I realize you meant it as a compliment, but it is quite the opposite.
But the vulgar lighting on the CN Tower, all blinking and flashing and changing colours, is pure Vegas. There's nothing elegant or sophisticated about it.
But the vulgar lighting on the CN Tower, all blinking and flashing and changing colours, is pure Vegas. There's nothing elegant or sophisticated about it.

It wont always be flashing and changing colours. The lights are only being tested right now.
Tonight the LED's were displaying country flags inside the length of the elevator shaft. I saw the Canadian one, the British flag and I believe the US one as well. Basically, each flag is displayed as though it's moving from the right side of the flag to the left side [kinda like peering through the shaft onto a flag on the other end]
