It also has to do with land available to Concord - they own new property northwest of Panorama now - and not wanting to build a new sales office. They have a lot invested in the current one... so it might as well be the last piece redeveloped down there.

I'll bet you're right about them eventually wanting to outdo the current crop of tall-boys though too...

Maybe they will just build the Chicago Spire (formerly Fordham Spire) here. Hehe.
I wouldn't wager on Concord building the tallest any more and I'm not sure I'd even want them too. A. I don't think Concord could pull it off B. It would be a waste with the CN Tower as the backdrop and I kinda like the CN Tower to stand alone
I'm with Maestro. I don't think Concord will build Canada's tallest residential building next to one of the world's tallest buildings.

But this is Toronto's Condo Market, ANYTHING can happen.
With Concord picking up blocks 33 and 37, I wouldn't be surprised if they transferred some density to the "Signature" site - this could allow them to build the tallest residential building in Canada after all.
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Whatever its final floor count, Signature Tower should appear equal in height to FCP from the lake to maintain the skyline's symmetry/balance since they seem to be about equidistant to the CN Tower. I'm sure the planning dep't agrees. (Although, a taller-looking tower than FCP from the lake at Cityplace might spur a similar such tower in the main cluster, perhaps in the lot next to the Harbour Commission Building.)
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I was Concord sells office today, an agent told me the signture tower will be launched sometime in April 20011. I also asked her about the height and new design, she told me everythings will be new.
I was Concord sells office today, an agent told me the signture tower will be launched sometime in April 20011. I also asked her about the height and new design, she told me everythings will be new.

How legitimate is that coming from a sales far as she is concerned she could be talking about the new southwestern phase of CityPlace .
Whatever its final floor count, Signature Tower should appear equal in height to FCP from the lake to maintain the skyline's symmetry/balance since they seem to be about equidistant to the CN Tower. I'm sure the planning dep't agrees. (Although, a taller-looking tower than FCP from the lake at Cityplace might spur a similar such tower in the main cluster, perhaps in the lot next to the Harbour Commission Building.)

Skyline symmetry is such a pointless concept I thought someone was pulling my leg the first time I heard about it. Hey, let's make our skyline look like a tiara from a distance: we need one building there, and one building there, etc. Gimme a break, these children at the planning department need to grow up. This isn't play school.

Zoning makes sense, as do clusters around transportation nodes, but symmetry? This over regulation is not only irritating, but it will lead to a really contrived skyline.
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Skyline symmetry is such a pointless concept I thought someone was pulling my leg the first time I heard about it. Hey, let's make our skyline look like a tiara from a distance: we need one building there, and one building there, etc. Gimme a break, these children at the planning department need to grow up. This isn't play school.

I agree, its time for Toronto to get into the 21st century.
. (Although, a taller-looking tower than FCP from the lake at Cityplace might spur a similar such tower in the main cluster, perhaps in the lot next to the Harbour Commission Building.)

Explain this process to me please
Skyline symmetry is such a pointless concept I thought someone was pulling my leg the first time I heard about it. Hey, let's make our skyline look like a tiara from a distance: we need one building there, and one building there, etc. Gimme a break, these children at the planning department need to grow up. This isn't play school.

Zoning makes sense, as do clusters around transportation nodes, but symmetry? This over regulation is not only irritating, but it will lead to a really contrived skyline.

The Planning Dept. does not review building heights based on the symmetry of the skyline from the Islands. I hope you do not actually believe that.
