I think that the skyline tapering policy is ridiculous but keep in mind that the City Planning Dept. are working within the parameters as set out in various official guidelines. Then politics gets involved with input/interferrance (however you choose to view it) by local Councillors who wield a substancial amount of power.

Add to that that the whole "tapering Policy" is old, outdated and has no value today. Why not put a few taller buildings outside the "tallzone" take some pressure off the services within and allows lower density areas between the tall areas. This would allow for more parks and more sunlight in parts of downtown. as it is now there is little sunlight in the canyons of bay street and yet council shuts down other projects because of "shadowing". makes no sense at all.
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Add to that that the whole "tapering Policy" is old, outdated and has no value today. Why not put a few taller buildings outside the "tallzone" take some pressure off the services within and allows lower density areas between the tall areas. This would allow for more parks and more sunlight in parts of downtown. as it is now there is little sunlight in the canyons of bay street and yet council shuts down other projects because of "shadowing". makes no sense at all.

Meh.. the tapering policy I agree with more than the shadow restrictions..
I'd rather a distinct skyline like Toronto has, only bigger, instead of a tabletop skyline like Vancouver.
I agree the tall buildings need to spread out a bit, but the tapering policy to Spadina I understand more.
Eventually tapering has to end, which is why taller buildings are allowed in areas between University and Spadina now. Like Theatre Park. Eventually the skyline is going to get so full that it will have to expand.
Based on the number of surface parking lots and blocks in the core, I think there is at least another few decades worth that could be redeveloped. No need for building higher west of Spadina or east of Parliament. Hopefully there will be some movement on increasing density along the main arteries in the middle burbs in the meantime.
There haven't been any.

Kinda makes you wonder......If I'm the guy drawing up these plans,..... and knowing the recent batch of completed towers.....and have a "Signature " lot, with a "Signature tower......a market that's swooping up, Ice...Bloor....X...Absolute.... .Success.....Uptown.....Trump.....Shangri La......Four Seasons.... Aura.....Ritz.......L Tower... etc... wouldn't you feel a bit like, a master chef, with a distinguished guest list, and an endless pantry???
I mean, you know the market is buying...even high end....they like Absolute and Ice.....Bloor and ShangriLa all sold....Flashy Glitzy, I mean, you would feel pressure, to really out wait them all, and finally come up with "the" event of the season.
How do you top all of these?????? You would have to top Trump, out design Absolute.....gotta be a dream job....
I think 900 feet, with a spire that tops FCP , and even 1100 feet(with spire), with a very unique design.
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It's really a chance to put an exclamation mark on this whole area. Q1, but even more memorable. Am I setting myself up to be dissapointed???
People in review boards must realize the positive response to Absolute, ....will that make them allow, more daring/ out of the box design? :confused:
With the lake being what most people see the city from, you want the eyes on you,... to out sex Ice won't be easy. I Really think height, will be the ultimate drawing card here, and a chance to to "Go out on a high note." With Ice at 750 ft or so, and the title of tallest residential so near beyond that, and Toronto's seemingly endless growth, ....it seems like something cool and spired is a good idea and would be on my mind were i drawing this tower.:rolleyes:
The longer I have been here, the more i miss home....Canada and Toronto both. America is a great place in may ways, but it's hard to believe in this country at times...I read the Globe online every day, and while Toronto has it's problems, they are nothing compared to what the US faces, in so many ways....... So in a weird way....Canada/Toronto, gives me something to believe in. Theres hope up there!!
The longer I have been here, the more i miss home....Canada and Toronto both. America is a great place in may ways, but it's hard to believe in this country at times...I read the Globe online every day, and while Toronto has it's problems, they are nothing compared to what the US faces, in so many ways....... So in a weird way....Canada/Toronto, gives me something to believe in. Theres hope up there!!

As a former resident of Toronto, who has been living in Phoenix for the past 10 years, I share jetsbackincanada sentiments.
I don’t know about you guys but if I owned a development like Cityplace in a major metro area like Toronto where the limit on height has virtually been eliminated - AND I had already built a number of pretty tall buildings - AND like ICE my site was located in a place where virtually no one would object to height - AND I had acquired additional lands probably allowing for density transfer - AND I had gone to the trouble of calling this project my "Signature" building......

I would build it as GD tall as I possibly could!

These opportunities are very rare and I believe Li Ka-shing and Concord Adex are well aware of this.
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Sounds like your giving yourself a woody.

It just seems like such a great oppurtunity, to do something grand! The end of "boom" cycles, usually coincides with a monster project, anything less will be a shame. I'm not talking 2,000 feet or nuthin.... just make a statement.
I don’t know about you guys but if I owned a development like Cityplace in a major metro area like Toronto where the limit on height has virtually been eliminated - AND I had already built a number of pretty tall buildings - AND like ICE my site was located in a place where virtually no one would object to height - AND I had acquired additional lands probably allowing for density transfer - AND I had gone to the trouble of calling this project my "Signature" building......

I would build it as GD tall as I possibly could!

Exactly, .....and all this waiting to release it......no drawings or concepts......Asian towers growing to 1600....even 2000 feet...."Signature" better be in the plans!!
