You guys don't know what you're talking about; leave the Planning Department alone.

I think that they're referring to the asinine skyline tapering policy responsible for slicing the top off 300 Front.
I was Concord sells office today, an agent told me the signture tower will be launched sometime in April 20011. I also asked her about the height and new design, she told me everythings will be new.

Holy crap in 20011!?!? Will our civilization still be around?
with the long anticipated launch of this one, the 20011 typo was funny even without the additional comment, but it was funny too!
I hope its around 800 feet, with aspire pushing 1000, that would be "Signature". In a sea of 500 foot towers , a third taller is required to make it signature....No???
Yeah, cause they are doing a great job, right.:rolleyes:.

I think that the skyline tapering policy is ridiculous but keep in mind that the City Planning Dept. are working within the parameters as set out in various official guidelines. Then politics gets involved with input/interferrance (however you choose to view it) by local Councillors who wield a substancial amount of power.
Yeah, i guess you mean something like this.....

Dude, The Q1 would be perfect, thats exactly what we need, sleek sexy, BOOM goes the dynamite. We can hope right???:rolleyes:

That Q1 looks even better, in photos,.... that area is one of the most built up, non city's I've seen, Brisbane is the real city, well north of there, for a beach resort area, to have that??... We can too.
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Personally, I don't want something towering over the rest of Cityplace. The sginature site is also a fairly large site that could possibly support additonal tower density. I wouldn't mind one tower in the 650 foot range and another in the 550 to 600 foot range.

They are many positives to a tapering policies in regards to light penetration and roads and other infrastructure useage. Just because some here may choose to live on a dank Wall Street environment or most others want to live in some suburban box looking in at a supertall skyline doesn't mean they are stupid.
Q1 sure looks good ... I must say it reminds me of the original 1 Bloor design though (version 1.0 by Kolter)

I hope its around 800 feet, with aspire pushing 1000, that would be "Signature". In a sea of 500 foot towers , a third taller is required to make it signature....No???

YES! There is enough similar sized buildings in the CityPlace cluster, It's time to put the icing on the cake with a 800 to 1000 foot building!
YES! There is enough similar sized buildings in the CityPlace cluster, It's time to put the icing on the cake with a 800 to 1000 foot building!

Yeah, but like it or not this proposal was for a 218 meter/715 foot structure which CityPlace can only dream of.
