I was here this morning with my just under two year old son. I predict this park is going to be VERY popular with young families. Splash pad, sand, slides of differing sizes, climbing ropes, swings etc. Go before the word spreads!

Great to hear. I'm planning on bringing my two year old there this week.
Did a few loops around as part of my run this morning. It's really a beautiful space. Not to exaggerate, but I really kept thinking "I can't believe this is in Toronto", just because our public realm is rarely this nice. WaterfrontTO did a bang-up job.
This lives up to the hype. The playground is a nice urban playspace with a really long slide, which is fun. An unexpected (but should have realized) fun bonus for kids and adults is that you are slightly above the trains and they run by every few minutes giving a nice view of them.

I counted about 4-5 people come up from the Don Valley pathway and up the stairs to discover the park. Every one of their faces transformed into a huge grin, followed by their jaw slightly agape.
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This looks amazing! Can't wait to head over one day soon and check it out.
I spent a good couple of hours at Corktown Common last Friday (the first hour or so reading under the pavilion waiting for the rain to stop) and absolutely loved it. Waterfront Toronto really did an amazing job here, and as others have said, it's incredible to have such a large (relatively speaking) park right downtown. It will be used by many in the years ahead, especially as more of the WDL, East Bayfront, and surrounding areas continue to get developed.
I love the use of topographic elevations, and they're completely accessible for everyone to enjoy.
It truly is a spectacular park -- it has a huge variety of spaces, and while be massive, offers a sense of seclusion and intimacy in many spots. So much thought and care went into the design, it is truly inspiring.

It looks like the prairie area by the river isn't done yet. That will be another fantastic addition when it's complete.

It's great to see that Toronto can still build like this.
Just saw it today, looks great ! Some questions though !

What exactly is left ? The "wet side" ? What does that mean and where is that. Also on the south west side (beside the sculpture), there is a big flat area, it looks like either a surface lot or maybe sports field ? What is suppose to go there.
Hey taal,

Isn't it great? The "wet side" is not completed yet. It's immediately to the east of the part that you visited now, or the "dry side". Not sure if you saw fences to the east and large rocks and exposed top soil...that's the part that needs to be completed and should be ready for spring of 2014. It's part of the Flood Protection Landform, and can't be planted with trees but rather grasses and wildflowers. So the park will be significantly larger come this time next year and will stretch behind River City to the King/Queen Triangle, as well.

The large paved area to the south will be developable blocks after the Games, including the development of a possible school. It was just paved within the last week, so it's likely just part of the Games parking or for tents, etc. Paving will keep down the dust, too. Not sure if they will temporarily sod the other development blocks for the Games, but I imagine it will look really decent and not so much of a construction zone by summer 2015 lol.

Hope that helps!
Hey taal,

Isn't it great? The "wet side" is not completed yet. It's immediately to the east of the part that you visited now, or the "dry side". Not sure if you saw fences to the east and large rocks and exposed top soil...that's the part that needs to be completed and should be ready for spring of 2014. It's part of the Flood Protection Landform, and can't be planted with trees but rather grasses and wildflowers. So the park will be significantly larger come this time next year and will stretch behind River City to the King/Queen Triangle, as well.

The large paved area to the south will be developable blocks after the Games, including the development of a possible school. It was just paved within the last week, so it's likely just part of the Games parking or for tents, etc. Paving will keep down the dust, too. Not sure if they will temporarily sod the other development blocks for the Games, but I imagine it will look really decent and not so much of a construction zone by summer 2015 lol.

Hope that helps!

Thanks for all the details ! River city looked great as well btw ! I really love the space they have just north of underpass park (i.e. if looks like they are creating a really nice paved (with dark stone) in between the two.

I'm just curious how much retail there will be and where it will be (not in Rivery city) rather in the Pan Am games area it self (is there any retail that is suppose to front the park ?
Pictures taken 6 July 2013. As great as this park is now it is only now beginning to get the streetwall that will provide it with a very strong edge, similar to The Fenway in Boston.





