^^ thanks Casaguy.

I take back what I said. Your latest picture confirms that the south facade is also a disaster with the miscoloured panels. Does it seem bizarre to anyone else that the buildings best looking facade is the one with the least amount of exposure - the one facing Uptown?
From Lower Yonge

From Yonge & Gerrard + Yonge & College/Wood St.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

As craptastic as they've turned out... I still don't mind them. I'm sure at street level, it's a bloodbath, but since I never really plan to drive down it, I'm fine with the infill from afar.

I suppose the underlying fact behind these being built - that Toronto is becoming a major, urban, populous, metropolis - makes me feel better about it.
It's sad that all too often many of us finally settle back and eventually proclaim that crappy or mediocre buildings "aren't so bad"/ "I don't mind it" or "it's good infill". Thankfully we can be proud of a dozen or so great projects and expansions this cycle with a handful of promising projects yet to come.
The south and east sides early this morning:


24 hours later:

thanks casaguy ~

its seems like there is no consistency to CrystalBlu's window patterns at all, the south elevation seems so unplanned ... appears as though Bazis is opening up windows on an as-need basis on each floor upon purchasers' requests ... judging from the photos, it appear window abnormalies (not resulting from floorplate changes) occur on the 12th, 28th and 33rd level ... a very sloppy exterior IMO :(

ps: I counted and only got 35 storey on this building

I can certainly live with Crystal Blue; it's slim, shiny, and generally out of the way. I'm just starting to realize that we may have dodges a bullet on 1 Bloor East.
it seems like there is no consistency to CrystalBlu's window patterns at all, the south elevation seems so unplanned. a very sloppy exterior IMO :(

The inconsistency is the best part! It gives the building more personality. With the different colours showing up at the top with more frequency, it is reminding me of an advanced level on Arkanoid.
I looked into the building height a bit more ... and accordingly to Bazis' blurb on Crystal Blu's website, it is only 35 storeys. It appears the top penthhouse floor is numbered as 37 only because 13 is skipped, and the second floor is numbered as floor 3 possibly due to the extra height ground floor lobby:

Crystal BLU epitomizes sophistication in every exquisite detail. Soaring 35 floors above the most exciting city in Canada, BLU is destined to become one of Toronto’s finest addresses. Rising from a six-storey podium, the contemporary-classic design is resplendent with sky blue glazing and will add an extraordinary dimension to the City’s skyline …
I'm just starting to realize that we may have dodges a bullet on 1 Bloor East.

I've been thinking the same thing lately. Bazis clearly knows about marketing but so far the follow-through ain't been too great.
While I love the slimness, yeah, the overuse of grey is a letdown. I personally love the light blue panels that have mysteriously shown up on the upper floors but the weird randomness on only the upper floors looks halfassed in my opinion. This is truly a building that I can't decide whether to like or hate it.
I'm perplexed by all this quacking about the color of panels. Is it fair to conclude that the builder is blind and/or stupid, or is it more likely that there is an explanation for the color of certain panels? Does anyone know if they will stay or go or what the function of the alternately colored panels will be?
Is it fair to conclude that the builder is blind and/or stupid?

I don't think anyone called the folks at Bazis blind or stupid. Questionable taste, maybe. But not stupid.

I'm curious... what function could the off-coloured panels have?
Perhaps the same company who manufactured the ROM's exterior metal slats bid on this job and was awarded the contract for the glass & spandrels at Chrystal Blu. I see no rhyme or reason for this, but it's obviously not done yet so we'll see in the next couple of weeks what it all means.
I hope to God they won't be lighting them up like I'm sure they'll be doing with the "exposed" crystals on the west side.
