1.2 Project Presentation
Ken Greenberg, Principal, Greenberg Consultants Inc., introduced the project within the context of the East Bayfront Precinct Plan stating that the East Bayfront Precinct Plan has been exceeded by the diversity of users and tenants that have moved here. Mr. Greenberg outlined the major site moves including the extension of Canada’s Sugar Beach across Queens’ Quay, and the extension of the public space into the internal “Yard”. Claude Cormier, Principal, Claude Cormier + Associés, then presented the public ream, including public art locations. Pina Petricone, Principal, Giannone Petricone Associates then presented the North Block, noting the four faces the building in response to its context including the expressway and the local neighbourhood. Roland Rom Colthoff, Principal, RAW Design then presented the South Block noting its various tenants and users, and the unique expressions on the façade of those tenants. Mr. Colthoff added that they are targeting LEED Gold for the office component of the building.