Community Consultation: Davenport Triangle Planning Study
Monday, March 5th from 6:30 to 8:30pm
Location TBD

With developments/proposals at 314-326 Davenport, 350 Davenport, 342-346 Davenport and 115 Dupont, the Davenport Triangle is currently facing unprecedented levels of development pressure. Staff from City Planning, Urban Design and Transportation Services will be sharing their preliminary report on the Davenport Triangle Planning Study with the community. Feedback and questions are encouraged, as we want to ensure responsible development in this area into the future and we cannot do it without local input!

Yes, for the projects that Planning deems need more work. No, for the ones they like.

A 'Vertical Forest' in Toronto
Toronto’s skyline could soon include a tree-covered condominium – the world’s latest 'vertical forest.'

TORONTO — MANY Canadians start summer days in bucolic settings, drinking their morning coffee amid thickets of trees, shrubs and other plants while watching birds nesting nearby. But these people are in the countryside or the suburbs, not steps away from noisy, congested streets and teeming office towers.
That may soon change in Canada's largest city.
A Toronto-based firm, Brisbin Brook Beynon Architects, has unveiled a proposal to build a 27-story condo building spanning an entire city block in Toronto's downtown core. The building would slope up toward its peak, creating giant terraces home to about 500 trees. The vegetation would serve a fundamental purpose rather than an ornamental one: to reduce the city's overall carbon footprint.

The towers, which are about 360 feet and 250 feet tall respectively, together host 800 trees – some as tall as 30 feet – 4,500 shrubs and 15,000 other plants. The buildings have geothermal heating systems and other energy-efficient features, and are also home to countless insects, including bees and hoverflies, and hundreds of birds.

[5] The Tribunal heard expert land use planning evidence and expert urban design evidence with regard to the proposed settlement with a 22 storey tower and with the remainder of the building at 8 storeys high (“Settlement”).
[16] Accordingly, the Tribunal will: a. Allow the appeal in part; b. Approve in principle the ZBAs as found in Exhibits 8 and 9;
Site Plan application submitted:

I wonder how the cheapening of the design and height will look like now?

Better/more real than ever.

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