A lot of progress on the front facade since the last photo update. Here is the building from 10 minutes ago:
Pics taken June 19, 2013


Poor Bar Wellington almost grafted to its base . Eat your heart out, Europe! In 'Vaughnville' this is how we do it! Future generations will come to see our stylistic prowess. :eek:
Poor Bar Wellington almost grafted to its base . Eat your heart out, Europe! In 'Vaughnville' this is how we do it! Future generations will come to see our stylistic prowess. :eek:

I'm not sure what is even meant by this silly post. I assume it's simplistic and misplaced derision of the local area councillor but what does Europe have to do with anything?
I'm not sure what is even meant by this silly post. I assume it's simplistic and misplaced derision of the local area councillor but what does Europe have to do with anything?

It shows to me that the poster knows nothing about the development process in the City. The owner of Bar Wellington was completely powerless, as was the Councillor on stopping development on this property in accordance with the local zoning bylaws. Perhaps the upcoming HCD, will help out some of these land owners, but not even sure about that.
Construction elevator recently dismantled.

Pic taken Sept 25, 2013


Pic taken Sept 23, 2013


Pic taken Sept 23, 2013

How long before the residents start complaining about the noise from the patio that was there long before the condo building?
