Thank you, Adam, for dropping by. :rolleyes:

The similar outpouring from "limp wristed lefties" towing the party line was impressive. Full disclosure: I voted against Ford (and not for- Smitherman either!) and against Miller.

Looking forward to several mega towers at King @ Bluejays way? Planned above Shoppers Drug, and on the SE corner (King Blue conodo), and SW (Tux) with Bisha beside, M5V in place, Charlie across, and 40-50 story Lamb Charlotte condos above the LCBO, and maye one above BLoke & 4th's location. Yep the local councillor is making this a livable city/wind tunnel.

The Wellington neighbourhood is now a concrete disaster, with walking and driving becoming increasingly hard. King St. streetcars crawl during commuting time. Try crossing those Portland/Wellington/King intersections during commute time. Taxis going to the Thompson Hotel represent up to a 1/4 of traffic most times.

How many of you who are howling are actually living in the area? Or are you living securely in your 905 area zero-lot lines houses? Looking forward to more 10-storey concrete walls wedged up beside old houses? Amazing asthetic, as the only the gods planned it....

You've shown yourself up. You won't find a single 'world-class' city in the world that's easy to drive in - and if you had any clue you would know that.

I live in the area and I bike all of Portland as part of my commute. It has continuously improved as a place for pedestrians for the past decade or so. Adam Vaughan has completely won me over at the community meetings I've attended (have YOU attended any?).

I know a thing or two about planning, and this area is being handled very well. Remaining parking lots need to be turned into condos, streetcar frequency needs to be increased, and grade-separated bike lanes need to be put on Portland in order to further improve the neighbourhood.

The area could also desperately do with more families, but Vaughan of all people has been the one leading that particular fight.

P.S. Most of the car traffic is from people who do not live in the area at all, and if you are going to live at King/Portland and drive everywhere you've made a very poor location choice for yourself.
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Here's a photo I took from this morning:

From the photo, its going to be interesting how Mr. Sweeney is going to handle those demising walls between the suites. I'd love to see the wall section to see what "extra" is going to be done here for noise attenuation. I have high hopes for the building and a potentially a great addition to the street.
You've shown yourself up. You won't find a single 'world-class' city in the world that's easy to drive in - and if you had any clue you would know that.

I live in the area and I bike all of Portland as part of my commute. It has continuously improved as a place for pedestrians for the past decade or so. Adam Vaughan has completely won me over at the community meetings I've attended (have YOU attended any?).

I know a thing or two about planning, and this area is being handled very well. Remaining parking lots need to be turned into condos, streetcar frequency needs to be increased, and grade-separated bike lanes need to be put on Portland in order to further improve the neighbourhood.

The area could also desperately do with more families, but Vaughan of all people has been the one leading that particular fight.

P.S. Most of the car traffic is from people who do not live in the area at all, and if you are going to live at King/Portland and drive everywhere you've made a very poor location choice for yourself.

100% agree. I'm really sick of all the "downtown is going to die from all the traffic" arguments you hear from the anti-urban portion of the city. Walking isn't a problem on King, I don't know where that came from, I actually find it quite pleasant. If King West was easy to drive through, then you wouldn't want go visit or live there. It's the fact that it's in demand and growing that equals more people, which equals more traffic. I imagine north Brampton is very easy to drive through, but I haven't been there. I wonder why.

In what universe can you briskly drive through bustling downtown major streets at 60km/hr? If you reasonably expect to drive from Bathurst to Jarvis on King without getting stuck in traffic then you should probably give your head a shake. You don't get to have it both ways. Either every store, office, theatre, and residence is filled and there's traffic or they're all empty and there's no traffic.

Detroit = a breeze for drivers
Manhattan = a nightmare for drivers
See the difference?

Sorry Stratford1 but you picked the wrong website to spout your uninformed nonsense.
Full disclosure: I grew up in Ford country, and now live at King/Bathurst with a car I drive about once a week, and I'm very happy about it.
The "sunken rooms" are basically the main living areas in most units. What happens is that the area directly under the entry ways as well as bathrooms are elelvated ofF the concrete slabs 8-10" to allow for utilities to be passed through and accessed.

So in theory the sunken areas are actually on slab and entry ways/utility areas are elevated giving the effect of a sunken living area.

In most units sunken areas have 9' ceilings with 8' ceilings in the bathroom and entry points.
