A friend who was at the food court today said that they reverted back to throwaway dishes and utensils. Can anyone confirm this?
A friend who was at the food court today said that they reverted back to throwaway dishes and utensils. Can anyone confirm this?
I believe some of the restaurants don't do it like McDonalds, A and W and subway to name a few. It's mainly the more upscale place that use them.
They should also replace the doors to the Queen Street TTC entrance on the lower level as well as they are relly hard to open and don't leave much space for someone to walk through.
Those offset, double-hinged doors are terrible; absolutely unwieldily, and not very accessibility friendly. It's almost as if they were designed by someone who wanted a door to look cool, but had never actually used on in his/her life.
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Work has begun for the new bridge I got some pictures of the prep work today.


The old entrance has been removed and replaced with temporary doors inside of the construction hording.


That have also removed a good chuck of the wall above.


They have also started a staging area to construct the new bridge.
I am embarrassed to say that when I looked at @EastYorkTTCFan's third photo, I thought "oh, they've already taken down the old bridge", and sadly it took me way too long to realize that I wasn't looked at the Hudson's Bay building, Queen Street, and the Eaton Centre south facade.


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