Walked by this project tonight. Maybe it is just me and just the angle looking up at it, but the floors look awful compact (low ceilings?).
Walked by this project tonight. Maybe it is just me and just the angle looking up at it, but the floors look awful compact (low ceilings?).

See some of my previous posts:
Post# 1074
*EmeraldPark's maximum height is set. Even with the same maximum height as before, EmeraldPark went from 40 & 30 storey to 42 and 32 storey by making each storey shorter to squeeze in the 2 extra floors in each tower. Now, let's add another storey to EmeraldPark's shorter West Tower,... without changing it`s maximum height of course! Admin should get ready to update EmeraldPark's West Tower from the current 32 storey to 33 storey. Pretty soon those EmeraldPark condo dwellers will need a hard hat whenever they stand up in their condo!*

Post# 1090
*I did notice the 2 retail levels of EmeraldPark (including 2nd floor of Metro) does have very high ceilings,... about 2.5 times those of the condo floors,... just amazed they were able to keep the high ceiling with developer taking away about 10% of ceiling height from each condo floor as they went from originally granted 30 storey to squeezing in an extra 3 storeys to 33 storeys at the shorter West Tower of EmeraldPark,... all within the same maximum height limit from the city.*

EmeraldPark west tower is basically 100m for condo building itself but the extra leaning roof design on top makes it 112m,... thus look at EmeraldPark West tower as your regular 100m condo in North York,... how many of them are 33 storey,... with 2 very high retail levels (2.5 times higher than condo height),... and also high ceiling office and condo amenities floors,.... something got to give and it was lowering condo unit ceiling height.

BTW, from outside, tall lean narrow tower should make each condo ceiling height look higher,....

Did you notice a difference in condo unit ceiling height between Emerald Park West tower (33 floors) and East Tower (42 floors)? Should be more noticeable as both towers get taller during construction.
In an area where they should have built 50+...this whole height thing was a bunch of nonsense:confused:

Trust me,... if this condo developer could has squeezed in 50 floors within the city allowed height, they would have! Problem is, they couldn't find condo buyer that are only 3 feet tall!
Trust me,... if this condo developer could has squeezed in 50 floors within the city allowed height, they would have! Problem is, they couldn't find condo buyer that are only 3 feet tall!

Again, why was it originally chopped??......2s x 8m + 48s x 3m = 50s/160m....still would be shorter than the Hallmark Tower being built across the street
Trust me,... if this condo developer could has squeezed in 50 floors within the city allowed height, they would have! Problem is, they couldn't find condo buyer that are only 3 feet tall!

Lol...I don't think I could live in one of these units. I'm not overly claustrophobic; I'm just tired of this "pack 'em in like sardines and let's make a quick buck" mentality. Maybe someday developers will get back to designing and building actual homes instead of low-quality cramped spaces that only demean us as human beings. If people stop buying this crap, maybe things will change.
Again, why was it originally chopped??......2s x 8m + 48s x 3m = 50s/160m....still would be shorter than the Hallmark Tower being built across the street

See my previous post# 1074:
*EmeraldPark at 142m (East Tower) will raise head & Shoulder above the previous 100m height limit. Tridel HullmarkCentre (168m) is surrounded by 100m tall buildings on all 4 sides, except to west with EmeraldPark at about 142m,... GibsonSquare (138m) is pretty much surrounded by 100m buildings as well,... But EmeraldPark has single residential houses to the south and west (with church),... so some could argue EmeraldPark at 142m is excessive.*

Tridel HullmarkCentre is surrounded by 100+m building in all directions,...
- north: Sheppard Centre - 3 apartment buildings and 2 office towers
- south: Menke Proctor&Gamble building
- east: Minto Radiance & Minto Spring at Minto Garden
- west: EmeraldPark (under construction) 142m - east tower

Emerald Park surrounding:
- north: Nestle building 100m and empty lot
- south: 2 storey residential houses
- east: Tridel Hullmark Centre 165m
- west: low level 2 storey church

City wants transition,.... even with the transition the city craves, there should be mid-rise to the south and west of EmeraldPark.

City also wants office space,.... Tridel HullmarkCentre includes a 12 storey office tower and office condo in 5 storey podium,... How much office space does EmeraldPark offers,... just 1 level of office at EmeraldPark.
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And even to get the current height for EmeraldPark,... there was a great amount of density transfer from the Lansing United Church to the west. Trust me,... this was the most complex condo development around, in terms of the amount of concessions, contracts and paperwork,... and there`s a good reason why a lot of people don`t like working with this developer.

BTW, no more opportunity for EmeraldPark to increase height or squeeze in any more floors into East Tower (42 floors) or West Tower (33 floors),.... both towers are now maxed out in terms of city allowed height and density.
October 14th/2013. Bazis mentioned on their blog that cladding should start being installed in October. So I rolled by to see if I could spot anything - no luck.

*server is a bit slow - my apologies... hopefully it'll be resolved shortly*




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Are there any updated renders?

The towers in the renders are at least 45 and 55 floors, was this project chopped down or are they just trying to false advertise
Was taken by surprise seeing how massive this project looks in person. Everything looks much beefier than it did in any of the renders shown (the way the podium anchors these towers fits well). I was never a fan of the design, or the project for that matter, but gained significant interest as of late.

Taken today:









Oct 14:
Bazis has confirmed to us that the west tower has been increased to 33 floors.

And did Bazis tell you why and how they're increasing the west tower from 32 to 33 storeys? Its really quite hilarious!

As I stated earlier,... In the design phase - before construction: within the original maximum height granted by the city for both towers, the developer increased the west tower from 30 to 32 storeys and the east tower from 40 to 42 storeys by making each floor shorter to squeeze in 2 more floors into each tower.

Earlier this summer - well after construction began, the developer realized:
- the footprint of the west tower was smaller than they could have made it
- west tower would be a few feet (about 5 feet) short of the maximum height allowed by city
- west tower would also fall short of the maximum density allowed by city
Translation: This developer / designer messed up on basic elementary school math!

Solution was to change the design of the west tower, by adding another floor to reach the maximum density allowed by the city. But developer can't do that with only 5 feet of height left to hit maximum height allowed by city. So developer proposal was to chop the height of each floor of the other 32 storeys of the west tower by a few inches (again!),... so they'll gain enough space to add another floor. Hey, that's what they did to get from 30 to 32 storey, so that's what they'll do to go from 32 to 33 storey! Sure, existing condo buyers are getting short changed with lower ceiling height (they'll feel like living in low-ceiling basements!),.... but they're paying for square footage floor-space,... not cube footage!

With another floor in the west tower, developer will be able to sell 9 more condo units. And must give the city an additional $270,000 cash in Section 37 money.

All that was settled months ago with the city,.. so the developer has already been building each floor of the west tower a few inches shorter. Interestingly, a few weeks ago on October 9th, developer had a petition to increase west tower maximum height by about 8 feet for the same purpose - to allow the addition of the 33rd floor. But they were already construction the 15 floor by then (practically halfway done) and have already been building each of the previous 10 or so floors by a few inches shorter. Developer was vehemently opposed by both city and local residents. Oh, I would have posted about that community meeting but I got hassled for posting about other community meetings so figured why bother,....

BTW, the taller 42 storey east tower is already maxed out on both height and density. Thus, no changes to east tower. West tower with 33 storey squeezed in will now hit it's original maximum allowable density and original maximum allowable height.

Oh,... Bazis is now aiming for a August 2014 completion of EmeraldPark.
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