June 24th:

Bazis posted July 22nd updates, one of the shots:


I am a bit puzzled by the last note on the update: "By fall we aim to be on top of the first tower!" Do they mean they will be taking pictures from the top part of the first tower? There is no way they can top it out, even by late November...
I am a bit puzzled by the last note on the update: "By fall we aim to be on top of the first tower!" Do they mean they will be taking pictures from the top part of the first tower? There is no way they can top it out, even by late November...

Maybe Bazis EmeraldPark got chopped again? ;p

Seriously,.... if they finish 4 storey podium by end of July,... then build one condo floor per week,.... starting in early August,... they should be topping out the shorter tower around March 2014 and topping out the larger tower about June 2014.

Yeah,... they probably meant taking photos,.... maybe they'll set up a permanent camera to watch progress like Tridel Hullmark Centre does,...
Metro will actually outperform T&T.

Metro will actually outperform T&T. They have stronger sales growth than Loblaw and have a new store format in development that T&T could only dream of. I think T&T customers will be pleasantly surprised!

Well, I guess FlyOnTheWall source is better than mine.

My apologies to FlyOnTheWall,.... I was wrong and you were correct for stating Metro would be replacing T&T at EmeraldPark (in post# 872 on July 15th). I was wrong to attack your credibility. This forum should be a place for sharing thoughts, photos, information and ideas. FlyOnTheWall, thanks for sharing.

T&T-Loblaw wasn't happy with all the delays at Emerald Park,... so they bailed. Even now, forget about getting to street level by August,... probably won't even happen by end of the year. Look across the street at Hullmark,... to stay on schedule (opening Fall 2013) they're working in the evening until 7pm - when they have so stop construction noise and there's a skeleton crew working on the weekend. EmeraldPark is dead quite in the evening and weekend.

The vast majority of Condos buyers brought before T&T-Loblaws signed up, so it would have been a bonus for the Asian condo buyers,... but it's generally a non-issue. Since about half of condo buyers are Asian,.... they would have been disappointed,... if they even knew T&T signed up and then bailed.

The one floor of office tenants,.... did they even sell that?

The real losers are the first floor retail buyers,... those that brought in knowing that T&T-Loblaws already signed up for the entire second floor retail space. Many of these were Asian mom&pop small stores and food court restaurants thinking this would be like a mini-Pacific Mall. Surely all these Asian shops-food stands wouldn't have signed up if it was Metro on the second floor,.... As usual, it's the little guys that loses.

This Emerald Park mall would be really odd,... lots of Asian Pacific Mall type shops on the first floor and Metro on the second,.... the first floor retail will surely be dead,.... the anchor tenant for them was supposed to be T&T,.... not Metro. Who shops at Metro anyways? Watch those first floor retailers bail,... EmeraldPark mall will be worst than the 40 year old SheppardCentre.

There was talk some of those small Asian retail shops on the first floor would set up office space on the 3rd,... they're probably looking to bail on both now.

That bank and Starbucks with Yonge street frontage already commited before T&T-Loblaws signed up.

With one new condo openning up every 4 months in downtown North York these days,.... I guess T&T-Loblaws won't have too much difficulty finding another nearby location,... with a more reliable developer,... that can actually deliver as promised on time,....

BTW,... Arghhh,... I can't stand Metro!

Go to the Adonis in Mississauga. Those stores are the highest sales per square foot in Canada and owned by Metro. That is Metros future format for the most part. T&T/Loblaw are not in that class. The Metro will be very well received.
Does anyone know what the new store format will be like?
Has it been confirmed that Adonis is opening in this building? I find it hard to believe that Adonis has the highest sales per square foot. First of all there's like maybe 6 locations and they're all in predominantly Arabic neighborhoods in Montreal which is why it does good. Also, Metro just announced on August 6th that once the second GTA Adonis opens that they don't have any future plans for more Adonis in the GTA. Another point, Adonis is most probably the biggest rip off of a grocery store ever. And their feta cheese and kalamata olives are not from Greece like they advertise. I'll stick to Loblaws.
Well it is the highest sales. Anywhere they open they are incredibly successful and a big step up from even Loblaw MLG . Product selection and service are a top priority. Now it won't be an Adonis here but a new Metro format incorporating the best practices of the two. Metro MGMT is the highest regarded in the Industry and the main reason for that is their ability to execute programs successfully. Loblaw continually struggles in that regard. Also new Metros tend to be a step up from the new Loblaws etc. None in Ontario yet. Just renovated A&P's. Have a look at their website for an idea of product selection and rest assured, a Metro in Emarald Park is the best store tenants could ask for. You will be extremely impressed!
Ya, expect trailer trash unhappy cashiers, and awful customer service. Metro is the worst.
LOL. That's what I've heard people say about Loblaw. I guess with so many employees and stores they all have those staffing issues unlike a smaller chain like Longo's etc. Bottom line is they are recognized as the best operator of the lot and should execute the new store flawlessly . In the big picture from a customer point of view Metro is an excellent choice. Product selection and consistent inventory they are a step above the rest.
