Manager of Exhibition grounds previously said there was no space for a casino/hotel combo on the grounds. Now I’m seeing 2 hotels and an e-sports arena going in. Did this space magically appear...(sarcasm)

However, I do think this proposal is super cool. Hopefully the city and DRP don’t screw it up and make it bland.
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I'm not a fan of eSports, but this is a fantastic proposal nonetheless. I like that it includes the integrated hotel and can be used as a performance venue too. A mid-sized performance venue like this will surely draw well for events too small for Scotia and too big for the smaller performance venues.
this has to mean the ampitheatre is about to be wiped off the map
If you mean the Budweiser Stage (formerly Molson Amphitheatre), I would doubt it's going anywhere. In the request for proposals for Ontario Place, it was specified that it would be staying, and was contracted to do so for some years into the future. It's also larger and outdoors, so I don't think they are somehow mutually exclusive to each other. I suppose there could be some overlap or competition between them for the type of act that might be capable of attracting a crowd of about six or seven thousand people and was touring in the summer.
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3E2A43E9-0D88-40DD-B3FA-A2186887D363 (2).jpeg

Obviously the stadium part of this looks amazing (and I really hope it gets built as is), but I noticed a few details in the tower at the back that also drew my attention.
1. There is a weird floor plan on the east side of the building (the right side in this picture) where is looks like it curves back towards the centre? And it seems to alternate between each floor, kind of a cool concept.
2. You can see on the left that the windows face downwards, at a pretty steep angle by the looks of it. Im assuming this will improve the view of the street from higher levels and will have some interesting effects of reflections.
Something about Toronto if it's got a glass box sticking out of it. >.<
